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"Is this where he wanted to meet us?" Bigb says looking down at the map which says the coordinates where Ren had asked to meet.

"Im pretty sure it is yeah." Cleo says looking around at the Forrest they are currently in, seeing nothing but trees being hit by the harsh sunlight.

"Then where i-?" Bigb gets cut off as he asks a question seeing the floor open up from behind Cleo dropping her down, seemingly far with nothing at the bottom to save her.

"Bigb!" Cleo shouts pulling out her water bucket and seeing the ground close up again, leaving her alone with the fall that might kill her, similar to her first death where Bigb had made a hole for her to fall down, her life flashes before her eyed as she makes the water bucket clutch and falling onto the floor relieved.

"I was hoping you'd survive that." Ren says standing down a 10 block hallway, a hallway covered in blackstone with lava as its walkway.

Cleo opens her eyes slowly standing uo against the wall as the shine from the lava blocks her eyes, "What is this place?" she asks uncovering her eyes and looking across to a manic looking Ren.

"This, is your final moments Cleo." Ren says stepping forward just infront of the lava and holding his arms out to his side.

"So you really are insane huh." Cleo says looking up at the massive hole that brung her here, looking for a way to escape.

"No Cleo i just want to win, and you aren't getting out of here alive so dont try escape." Ren says laughing as lava begins to drop down the hole directly ontop of Cleo.

"Come on Ren are you seriously going to kill your friend?" Cleo asks stepping to the edge of the lava floor, Trying to get away from the lava above her.

"Do you want the lava to kill you or for me to?" Ren asks holding his axe looking at a frightened Cleo.

"Whats stopping me from breaking these walls and just leaving?" Cleo asks holding her pickaxe.

"Nothing is, but if you do il blow up the 29 Tnt i placed under the area where you are in a 5 by 5 space, which is in the walls aswell." Ren says smiling and watching Cleos reaction to finding out she can't escape

"What do you want Ren?" Cleo says looking across at him.

"I want you dead." he says boldly as she pulls out her water bucket placing it on the floor, making it all obsidian.

"Didn't expect that did you." She says starting to walk across pulling out her sword

"This isn't a fight you can win Cleo." Ren says grinning watching her approach him, knowing he will somewhat destroy her as the lava reaches the bottom of the hole behind them.

"You killed Pearl, she may of been an enemy but she was a friend." Cleo says prepared to avenge her fallen friend.

"You killed Martyn, that leaves us pretty even." Ren replies stepping forward ready to defend himself.

Cleo lunges forward swinging for Ren only for him to jump back and try kick forward to knock her to the ground.

She knocks his leg away with her arm before barging him to the ground, leaving both of them to try stand up as the lava sizzles behind them.

Ren unfortunately gets up before her and pushes her to the ground once again, throwing her sword away from her leaving her weaponless.

"I guess it's me that will be killing you." He says breathing heavily before he closes his eyes and swings his axe down at her, hitting something alot sooner than he had anticipated.

"Huh?" he says opening his eyes and seeing his axe pierced into Bigb's chest, and a hole above him from where he mined down to reach them, unfortunately falling into the line of the axe.

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