The Red Sea

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"They're here!" Tango shouts running into the main room where everyone is currently relaxing, "How many?" Impulse says jumping up from his bed.

"uhm, atleast ten, i think its everybody." Tango says quickly running back out.

"Tango! Good to see you again." Scar says with ten others behind him, almost like an army. The other three members of T.I.E.S come out, Bdubs hiding behind the wall.

"Listen boys, im very dissapointed in you." Scar says sighing,

"Whys that Scar?" Etho questions defensively, "We know you are harbouring Bdubs here, no point in hiding him." Grian laughs.

"Bdubs come out, they already know that you're here." Skizz says and reluctantly Bdubs emerges.

"So the rumours were true." Martyn says looking at the five upset.

"Hes our friend. we weren't going to leave him out there to die.", Etho says standing right infront of Bdubs, "Let me tell you a fun fact, out of the sixteen of us here, one or more of us has every intent to murder someone, so lets get this over so we can return to safety." Scar says pulling out his sword.

"Scar what are you doing?" Ren questions

"One of you four, give me a life or il take one.", Scar says bloodthirsty

"Now hold on a second Scar we didn't agree to this." Martyn says stepping forward.

"Stop." Joel says holding hid sword infront of Martyn, "Maybe this is how it has to go."

"If you think for a second we will give you a life you are insane Scar." Skizz says scoffing.

"Now wait a second surely this can end more peacefully can it not?" Scott says Defending T.I.E.S.

"You can go join them if youd like Scott." Pearl says smirking,

"This was never about peace they just wanted a bloodbath." Ren says disgusted

"So whats your final decision Boys." Grian says holding his bow.

All five of them looked at eachother sighing, "If you want a fight you'll get one, we refuse to submit to you Scar." Tango says pointing his axe.

"This looks like itl end well" Bigb says smiling before getting hit in the head, "Shut up B" Cleo says angrily

"This is wrong on so many levels." Jimmy says gaining the approval from Martyn, Ren and Scott.

"Scar by the looks of it this is a nine v seven, itl get everyone killed." Bdubs says in disbelief of the situation.

"Then give me a life and none of it has to happen." He Nearly shouts getting angry now

"Scar out of everyone you have the most lives, you dont need any more" Impulse says looking at everyones eyes.

"Il take that as you wont give me a life, verywell, i suppose il just take one!" Scar says swinging his sword in Ethos direction, getting obviously blocked.

"Go!" Etho shouts as his team mates retreat into their compound.

"You can't live this." Scar says swinging again, landing a hit with the back of his sword, "Thats it scar, ive had enough, play times over." Etho says kicking him back and getting ready to swing at him.

"Not so fast Etho." Grian says pointing his sword right into Ethos neck, only for his sword to get shot down freeing him.

"Not so fast Grian." Skizz says mocking him and laughing as he shoots another arrow right at his feet.

"Joel pick a side, NOW" Ren says staring right into his eyes, Joel pushes Martyn away and backs into where Scar, Mumbo and Grian are, "They have the advantage, we don't have any cover" Mumbo says building a makeshift wall infront of them.

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