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Etho sits up in his bed holding his head groaning. seemingly the TNT blast left an effect on him, a raging headache having consumed him among other things like his bloodlust.

He stands infront of the graves looking down on each of them remembering all the time he had with each of them, clenching his hands trying not to let any tears flow. He holds the clock he was given by Bdubs some time ago when he was pleading for Etho to let him stay with the T.I.E.S when Scar was actively hunting him and BigB down, reminding him of his hatred towards Scar and Grian as the broken walls behind him were all of their doing.

he pulls his mask up, placing the clock around his neck and turning around, walking through the ruins of his home.

"T.I.E.S to the final three." he mutters, Skizz's last words to himself a few times, along with remembering the moment where Skizz died. Although the culprits of that murder had already been killed by Impulse and Cleo, he knows he can't beat Scar and Grian alone, he may be stronger but they there's two of them, and Scar knows how to escape and make a good plan, especially a plan to beat him.

He can't help but replay Tango's death in his head, a moment that was meant to be joyful for him turned into grief and sadness, a friend killed because of his own greed for two points against Scar, he can't not hate Scar and Grian, killing Bdubs and Impulse in a matter of seconds, leaving him all alone while they still have eachother, this stupid rivalry with Scar having killed all his teammates. The only thing that does is tell him what he needs to do right now, find a friend.


Grian sits atop the remains of the burnt forrest fort, looking through the trees which got burnt in the process, realising to himself how empty this world is now, it only being him and Scar against everybody else which is only Etho and Ren, the final four.

"I thought I'd find you up here Grian." Scar says patting his back and sitting down next to him.

"How did you know?" Grian says lightly, looking down.

"You usually come here when you want to be alone, so i decided to not leave you alone." Scar says smiling looking at Grian who does not look very happy himself.

"Yeah i suppose i do." He says fake smiling a little.

"Hey Grian what's up?" Scar asks concerned for not only his best friend but his teammate.

"When we win, when we kill them, then what?" Grian asks looking at Scar concerned at what comes after, having memories from Third life and how that ended.

"Good question, we can worry about that when the time comes right?" Scar says trying to reassure his friend who does not seem to be very reassured.

"You know Scar, in one of these past games it was just me and you left at the end, like we plan it to be now, i had to kill you." Grian says sobbing at the thought of killing Scar.

"I know you did, i remember everything, when i touched the portal that would lead us out i gained all my memories back and then it shut, i know everything." He says smiling with tears in his eyes and bringing his friend close to him to comfort him.

"O-oh, can we like, maybe just stay here for a while and not go off killing anyone already?" Grian asks Scar just wanting a slightly peaceful time with his friend that's not filled with death or anything like that.

"Sure, but we have to go eventually or they will be in netherite by the time we get to them." Scar says laughing a little standing up offering his hand for Grian to come who grabs it pulling himself up.


Ren firmly holds his netherite axe looking down from the village wall knowing today might be the last time he ever sees the base him, Martyn, Joel and Jimmy made, and it only being him remaining to see the cracked walls and burnt houses in all its beauty, atleast he thinks its beautiful because him and his friends made it.

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