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"Huh, where are we?" Mumbo says shielding his eyes looking up at the figure floating down to where him snd the other recently killed hermits are

"The beyond." Martyn says standing next to him looking up at the figure angrily.

"Correct, you are in the beyond, not for the first time either." The figure says landing infront of the six of them.

"Well what is this place?" Jimmy asks confused.

"It's your final moments." Pearl says looking down at the ground.

"Our final moments?" Tango asks concerned for what comes next.

"It's where this, thing, rubs it in that you got killed by your friends and then he kills you permanently, until next time of course." Scott says explaining it fully and sarcastically.

"Oh well that's good to know." Mumbo says plainly as he gets told hes about to die.

"You said a next time. There's gonna be a next time?" Jimmy says even more confused now.

"Yeah, next time, where once again you will be trapped and killed just to come back here, where you will have the exact same conversation." A beaten Joel says walking up to the six of them, seven if you include the figure.

"Joel, we're sorry we didn't escape these three didn't make it easy." Mumbo says apologising for making Joel's efforts all for nothing.

"Joel, you will fade away with the rest of them, as will Grian when he dies, you have both betrayed me and will not hold your memories in the next games, but Martyn, Pearl and Scott you will continue to serve under me." the figure says revoking Joel's status as a watcher.

"Wow you three really fell so low to help the people imprisoning your friends, that's really nice of yous." Tango says sarcastically to the three watchers standing before him.

"Oh shut up you don't understand." Martyn says pushing Tango away annoyed at his sarcastic comments.

"It doesn't matter, because one day they will escape, one day we will escape and you know it, the day will come when you cannot stop us, when we are unstoppable and we will defeat you just you wait." Joel says getting up close to the figure, telling it what will happen

"Shut up Joel you're pathetic." It says pushing him making him dissapear completely.

"Did you just kill him?" Pearl asks looking at where Joel was.

"Yeah i did, any problems?" It asks not moving from where it is stood.

"No of course not." Scott says fake smiling.

"Hes right though, we will escape and there's nothing you can do about it." Jimmy says as his vision begins to blur

"I can barely see, whats going on." Mumbo says rubbing his eyes to try restore his vision.

"I think this might be us fading, how fun." Tango says sighing and falling to the ground.

"Are we going to restore their memories?" Martyn asks Scott and Pearl.

"No, Leave them to fade, they don't need the memories." The figure says watching as the three of them dissapear into nothing.

"Atleast they didn't escape." Scott says shrugging his shoulders.

"Seems like a win to me." Pearl says looking back at the figure to see if it agrees.

"Correct, this was a victory, but it never should've gotten so close, thank you for stalling them and sacrificing the game for the purpose, now we are unstoppable."

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