The cove

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The four were walking around the newly built base embedded in a cavern they found nearby the bedrock cirle, all of them highly paranoid about who will fall next, considering 3 people have died in the span of 2 days, "So how are we meant to escape, do we really have to kill everyone else?" BigB asked slightly worried, "Nobody said anything about killing eachother, its just about being the last person alive, everyone else just has to die to natural causes i guess" Pearl said answering Bigb's question,

"That means that We have to die to natural causes as well though, doesn't it Pearl?" Cleo responds.

"I suppose it does. As long as everyone else goes first, it's not a problem, though." A subtle sinister smile can be seen on Pearls face.

"But Pearl, 'everyone else' are our friends, people we've known for years, doesn't that even slightly concern you," Scott retorted.

"It's the way it is now, Death is the only way forward Scott, why can't you see that?" The slightly crazy woman states.

"i refuse to kill my friends or even let them die from 'natural causes'. Bigb Responds In an angered tone. Scott and Cleo both nod their heads in agreement with Bigb, but Pearl just sighs and returns to fortifying the Cove they are residing.

Scott POV

I look around the room, i can sense that someone here may be what we have deemed to be called, 'The Boogeyman', the air is tense and everyone has gone silent, all doing their own seperate things. Im unsure if it was me if i would actually kill my friends, but if skizz was willing to kill his childhood friend, it must make you slightly insane right?

I Go outside to tend to the crops we've been growing, only a few patches of wheat and some carrots, a gift from Martyn who had found a village to settle in with his group, although im unsure of who is exactly in that group

The sky flashes purple before a message appears, 'Zombie Cleo fell from a high place.' i quickly turn around and attempt to run into the cavern before Pearl grabs my back, stopping me from falling into a deep hole just in front of the door.

"You don't wanna go any further," Pearl says, releasing me, "Did you do this? i bet it was you, You were talking about the deaths of your friends already earlier." I shout at her.

"No, Scott, this wasn't me, i wouldn't have dug a trap just to kill someone. I would've just killed them," Pearl claims as Bigb runs up behind us.

"What happened!!" He shouts before looking down into the hole."A boogeyman killed, it seems, " I respond, looking at Pearl.

"Pearl, this was you?" Bigb says, holding a sword out. "No no ofcourse it wasn't me, im not like that cmon guys," Pearl pleads as we cover the hole and lead her inside, to where Cleo has responded.

"She has to die for this," Bigb claims, and because of how angry i was, i blindly agreed, unable to see what was actually happening here.

"Il do it," Bigb says, stepping forward to Pearl and about to swing. "WAIT," Pearl shouts, and Bigb stops. "If it was a boogeyman kill, a message would have appeared that i was cured. Where is it, hm?" She says, nearly crying. "Then the kill didn't count, which just means you will Try kill one of us next Pearl, we can't let that happen" Cleo says and motions for Bigb to continue what he was doing.

"verywell," Bigb says before smiling and swinging straight for Pearl and killing her in an instant, Revenge for what she did to Cleo.

The sky flashes purple, and a message appears.'PearlescentMoon was slain by BigbStatz.' Bigb releases a sigh of relief before saying,'Ahh.. It's so quiet now."

Cleos POV
I have just gone hunting for some animals and Return to the base with 3 mutton and 5 raw chicken, i blindly walk into the cove without looking down, as i didn't exactly expect a hole to there. In an instant, i fall into it and meet my demise at the bottom.

I wake up around 5 minutes later and see Scott and Bigb ready to execute Pearl, i overheard something about her being the one to kill me, and I instantly filled with rage. The next thing i heard was, "If it was a boogeyman kill, a message would have appeared that i was cured. Where is it, hm?" She says on the verge of tears.

"Then the kill didn't count, which just means you will Try kill one of us next Pearl, we can't let that happen" I say angrily and allow Bigb to finish her off, I couldve sworn i saw him smile when he did it.

Pearls POV
I continue building up the wall as it's the task I assigned myself for the day. I watch Cleo walk into the cove and look away, only seconds from the sky flashing and the message appearing 'ZombieCleo fell from a high place.'

Since im the closest i get to the scene fastest, only to find a massive hole in which she fell, Scott then runs past me and nearly falls in. Luckily, i was able to catch him. "You don't wanna go any further" i say before an argument ensues, which ends in me against the wall pleading my case to not be murdered by Bigb, But nobody believes me, and in an instant i can see a sword being swung at me by a certain red eyed individual, it tears through my skin and i wake up a few minutes later, only to see Scott and Cleo more shocked than ever.

Bigb's POV
Im crafting torches before suddenly i feel my eyes flash red, and then a faint sound of a clock ticking is heard, seemingly only to me, and then i understand my situation. It's me. Im the boogeyman. and almost in an instant, an idea comes to mind, I won't kill anyone. someone will just die by natural causes, and hopefully, it will count, it will count, right?

I quickly get to work, Luckily for me everyones out of the base and seperated, leaving me time to dig my hole, as the ticking gets louder seemingly because my time is decreasing, it drives me to commit this murder so much faster.

I leave the cove, making sure not to be seen or fall in the hole, obviously. and before long, it works perfectly. The sky flashes purple and the message appears 'ZombieCleo fell from a high place' I return to the base only to see Scott and Pearl arguing, I wait for my message to say im cured, and for the noise to go away, its even louder now and its beginning to hurt. I accept that this death didn't count as mine so a new plan comes to mind, Il kill Pearl, and it only takes a minute or two before shes against the wall crying and im able to swing for her, ending her life with a smile on my face.

The sky flashes, and her death message appears, and the abominable noise im my head disappears, leaving me in complete bliss, "Ahh.. It's so quiet now, " i say relieved.


"What do you mean it's so quiet now?" Scott says, questioning Bigb as Cleo asks the same question. Their questions are answered as a new message appears 'BigbStatz, you are cured.'

Scott and Cleo both stand completely in shock, unsure of what to do about the situation they are in. "Il make my own way out," Bigb says as he leaves on his own.

Pearl wakes up and sees two frozen, shocked people, "Hey, Scott? Cleo? are you there?" She says before Scott responds, "It was him, he was the boogeyman..."

End of chapter 4: 1319 words
My highest yet, and possibly my best chapter yet. I hope you enjoyed it as much as i did. If it's any good ofc :)

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