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Skizz is running back to his base to deliver his new found information on Martyn, out of breath and stumbling over almost everything he has to get this information to everybody else, it could save them.

He picks himself up from falling over again only to see a figure before him, unable to work out what or who it is as he has dirt in his eyes.

"Time to stop Skizz." the figure says holding a diamond axe, covered in blood from a recent kill, without looking Skizz just pushes past it saving no thought to look at who it may be, just to get tripped up again and sent to the ground.

"It was a nice try." Another figure says from the side of him, he stands up holding his sword finallu able to see who the two figures were, Pearl and Scott.

"You know too much Skizz." Scott says getting closer to him, Skizz is completely prepared to fight both of them.

"You can't win this Skizz, we will always kill you in the end." Pearl says laughing a little.

"Drop the sword." Scott says unthreatened by Skizz.

"They will come for you, the rest of my team! They will kill you!" Skizz shouts backing up preparing to fight, bumping into another figure behind him and falling to the ground, he turns around to see Grian above him. "Oh come on!" He shouts in defeat.

"Any last words Skizz?" Grian asks, coldly, as opposed to his usual kindness he seems completely insane.

"Screw you!" Skizz shouts up kicking his legs and dropping him to the ground, as Scott and Pearl both swing for him barely missing and hitting his shield.

"The Biggest betrayal?" Scar asks Etho watching the fight.

"Sure." Etho says understanding what Scar means as Scar goes in to fight, "I suppose il come aswell." He says sighing and not wanting to, but having to protect his teammate.

Scar comes up behind Grian and Hits him in the back with his sword, "Scar what the- Why!" Grian shouts falling to the floor once again as Etho fights Pearl..

Skizz thinks he can rest for just a moment but as he is unaware Martyn comes up behind him and stabs him straight in the back, "Got you." He whispers, like you could hear his smile.

"Scar its a two v four what do we do?" Etho says backing up into Scar as they are surrounded.

"You're not washed up are you?" Scar says trying to joke away his fears.

"Of course not Scar, i killed you remember." Etho says watching Pearl and Scott who are on his side.

"Enough talking, ready to die yet?" Martyn says getting closer, seemingly excited.

"Well Scar, are we ready to die?" Etho asks sarcastically bringing out his sword.

"Is that, Bdubs?" Scar says looking off behind everyone at someone running from the direction of spawn.

"Etho, I know what Skizz was trying to get to you to say!" Bdubs shouts running towards them, unaware of Grian who is aiming his bow directly ay Bdubs

"Bdubs, Stop!" Etho shouts trying to warn him, unheard by his friend who continues running towards them.

"Do it." Martyn says to Grian who releases the arrow and hits Bdubs seconds later.

The sky flashes purple twice and the following messages appear

McSkizzleMan was slain by InTheLittleWood

Bdoubleo100 was shot by Grian.

"Scar, Kill them." Etho says swapping positions with Scar so he can fight Grian and Martyn

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