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"Its time to go." Martyn says shaking Scott and Pearl in their beds trying to wake them up.

"Ughh what are you talking about Martyn." Scott says pushing him away.

"We need to get to the east border right now!" Martyn says pulling them up.

"What why?" Pearl asks confused and tired

"Just trust me hurry up!" Martyn shouts and runs to the door to leave.

"Martyn did you get any sleep?" Scott asks looking at the man infront of him who looks exhausted.

"No but we have to go come on!" He complains trying to hurry them up

"Alright we're coming don't kill us." Pearl says yawning and leaving the small base they had made

"Thank you." Martyn says smiling and following behind them.

"What time is it?" Bdubs asks sitting up next to Etho on the bed.

"Could you look any more tired? Its seven." Etho asks smiling at Bdubs with his mask down

"You know I need my sleep Etho!" Bdubs laughs punching his arm, "Where are the other two?" He asks looking over at the other two empty beds.

"Im not sure let's go find them." Etho says grabbing Bdubs hand and pulling him up, hearing an explosion coming from outside.

"That sounds bad..." Bdubs says letting go of Etho and running out to see Impulse and Tango on the ground laughing, next to a massive hole

"Whats going on here?" Etho asks the two of them concerned.

"This idiot tried to set a trap." Tango says laughing referring to Impulse.

"I didn't know it would blow up if i pushed it this is not my fault." Impulse says standing up trying to make excuses.

"What did you think would happen?" Tango mocks him and grabbing his arm to pull himself up.

"You scared us you idiots!" Bdubs says pushing both of them.

"Oh wow Bdubs you are so strong we went so far from that push." Impulse says laughing as they barely got moved.

"Leave him alone hes just a little guy." Etho says joining in and patting Bdubs head.

"All of you shut up!" Bdubs shouts moving away annoyed.

"Come on Bdubs we were joking we're sorry!" Tango says laughing with Etho and Impulse.

Bdubs rolls his eyes and walks back to them "So whats the plan hm?" He asks crossing his arms.

"Survive i suppose, not much we can do." Etho says shrugging his shoulders as the others look just as clueless, right as the Sky turns a dark purple flashing on and off.

"What is going on?" Impulse asks looking up as purple lightning starts hitting down around their world.

"I have no idea..." Tango and Bdubs say looking concerned.

Etho smiles and steps forward. "He's come to save us, we need to go now." He says not giving any context and dragging them along with him.

The thunder from the lightning jolts Mumbo and Scar up from their sleep in the primitive base they had created.

"Woah what is going on!" Mukbo asks as lightning strikes just outside the base.

"Mumbo did you see Grian leave at all?" Scar asks looking around and not seeing a Grian anywhere.

"No, is he not here?" Mumbo asks spinning around looking for him.

"Obviously not Mumbo why would i be asking." Scar says sarcastically.

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