Close red encounter

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"Joel! Give me back my bed you idiot." Jimmy says running after him pretending to swing his sword, "Come get it then timmy!" Joel laughs running around him.

"You two stop right now! We have visitors." Martyn says seriously as the two stop their games and hold their swords.

"Hostile visitors?" Ren asks, "Im unsure, Be prepared." Martyn says walking towards the entrance of the village.

Jimmy and Joel both nod their heads and climb atop the wall, both holding bows instead of swords whilen Ren and Martyn greet the unexpected visitors.

"Theres six of them, we can't take them." Jimmy says slightly worried "We have the protection of this wall though, they are out in the open" Joel says reassuring him, slightly worried himself.

"Welcome to the Village, what brings you here?" Martyn asks concerned, "Martyn!! Good to see you friend, you seem very stiff, we dont mean any harm, we are simply here to make a deal." Scar says grinning as the other five of them space out holding their weapons.

"What does this deal entail?" Ren asks standing close to Martyn with his iron axe.

"Im glad you asked, im sure after recent events this isn't a deal you'd be against." Scar says standing back with Grian and Mumbo.

"So what is it?" Joel shouts from the wall. "Nobody was talking to you." Pearl says shooting up at him, barely missing.

"PEARL!" Jimmy shouts getting ready to shoot her, only Scott and Cleo to draw their bows, Joel doing the same.

Scar sighs before holding out his axe "You don't want this fight, you can't win." Grian and Mumbo both prepare for a fight.

Martyn holds his head down in shame "Put your bows down boys, hes right" He says to Jimmy and Joel, "Now whats this deal you speak of."

"BigB, Bdubs. You are to declare them enemies of the Village, No giving supplies, No giving shelter, and if either of them try to enter this place you kill them." Grian informs, "That doesn't sound like a deal, more like an order" Ren says dissapointed.

"What if we don't agree to this deal?" Martyn questions, "Then you are our enemies, that means you are siding with those two, i dont understand why you would but oh well." Mumbo says ready to attack.

"I assume you went to T.I E.S, what did they say to this stupid deal of yours?" Martyn asks backing up to retreat to the village.

"They agreed, after some convincing." Cleo says moving to the side of Ren and Martyn.

"The village will stay a neutral force in this stupid ordeal of yours, we are all friends and we will not stand for the exile and execution of our friends." Martyn says standing proud.

Scar sighs turning around "i really hoped we could come to a deal." He mutters before spinning around and swinging for Martyn, too fast for anyone to react and Martyn was dead in a heartbeat.

The sky flashes purple before the routine message appears.

InTheLittleWood was slain by GoodTimesWithScar.

Jimmy and Joel try shoot down but Ren stops them, "Do you want to die aswell?"

Martyn returns to his death site, eyes glowing red. Scars heart skips a beat before he realises he probably killed the wrong person, "We will give you your neutrality, But only if Jimmy gives you a life, Right now." Scar says scared

"Why me!" Jimmy shouts. "You have five thats why, would you rather he was Red, dont be stupid." Joel says smacking his arm.

"Fine il do it jesus, I wish to give a life to InTheLittleWood" He says before he feels something leave his body, a yellow spiral floating towards Martyn and entering his body, his eyes restoring to the dark orange colour they once were, and Jimmy's becoming light green unlike the Dark green they were. "Happy now?" Jimmy says scoffing.

"Thank you Jimmy." Martyn says before hearing rustling in the bushes, only to see a weakened Bigb coming out from the foliage.

Scar Whips out his axe before stepping towards him, "What brings you here Bigb?", "I have information, information you want" He says pleading for just a second to speak.

"Speak." Cleo says slightly angered.

"Bdubs left me, he went to plead to T.I.E.S, and they took him in, hes working with them now, im pretty sure that goes against the deal you made with them, does it not?" He says staring into Scar's eyes.

"That it does, T.I.E.S are now our enemy." Scar says to his five allies,

"Now hold on Scar, Theres five of them now maybe they are a bit of a threat to us, they had better gear and are arguably stronger than us" Grian says warning his friend.

"Maybe we should just all calm down, We don't have to fight, we can stop this before it starts?" Scott says trying to diffuse the situation.

"Id argue that's the best idea, we don't want a war between our own friends, we should just leave it, are we really going to give the people who put us in here what they want?" Martyn says trying to convince scar.

"maybe your right, but we need to atleast talk to them, you should come with us just so they dont try and fight, it would be the first time weve all been together since the start aswell." Scar says to the village people.

"Fine, we will follow you, but we will not start a fight, if they attack us we will fight back but if they dont come for us we wont go for them, we are merely there to prevent a fight." Ren says convinced.

"Verywell, It will be good to have a world wide meeting, with hopefully no killing." Scar says nodding and shaking Rens hand. "We will go in the morning" Grian says walking into the village.

"Until then we sleep here, come on BigB you can stay here tonight aswell." Pearl says gesturing for Bigb to come into the village.

End of chapter 8: 1006 words

unsure about this chapter again because its just building something bigger, but hopefully it was slightly enjoyable, and im enjoying a very Unhinged scar, Also i didnt realise martyn would turn red so i had to think of a quick way to return his life.

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