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Impulse stands infront of the grave they built for Skizz, gripping his sword tight fighting the tears coming to his eyes, his feelings being a mix of sadness and pure anger.

Bdubs walks up behind him placing a hand on his shoulder "We will get them back for this Impulse, i promise you." Bdubs says trying to get Impulse in a better mood.

"I know." Impulse says through gritted teeth before walking away from Bdubs into the base, "Alright now that you two are back, we need to find and protect Tango, and kill Scar and anyone else who gets in our way." Etho says going over todays plans with them.

"And, Kill Scott." Impulse adds not taking any arguments from anyone

"Fine by me." Etho says equipping his new shield he made, "Lets go boys." He says leading Impulse and Bdubs out into the world now consumed in Chaos.

"Woah Scar come on we can talk about this.", Tango says holding his hands out towards Scar who is slowly approaching him.

"Give me a life or i take one Tango." Scar says getting closer and closer

"I wont give you a life, i could kill you." Tango says obviously lying knowing he'd lose.

"Come on Tango, we both know PvP is not your speciality, and i have better gear." Scar says laughing

Tango backs up into a tree "Scar if you kill me they will hunt you, eleven of us will come for you, its better if we are both orange so we each have less people hunting us, dont you think?", Tamgo suggests hoping for Scar to see the logic in his idea.

"Send it." Ren says to Bigb who
is about to push a TNT minecart onto where Tango and Scar are.

"Double here weeee go!" He says pushing it off to try get revenge on Scar, the closer it gets to the ground the further away it is from them, it could only barely kill Scar.

Scar walks closer to Tango, barely considering his argument as he believes he can survive everyone hunting him down, as the TNT minecart hits the ground about 7 blocks behind him and sends him to the ground infront of Tango, not killing him.

"Aw i didn't get anyone!" Bigb says throwing his hands up in defeat

"On second thought i will take your deal Tango, let's get out of here." Scar says grabbing Tangos hand and pulling himself up.

"Oh really i think that's a great idea." Tango says sarcastically to Scar.

"Ok run before they come get us." Scar says running into the forrest as Tango follows closely behind

"Great now we lost them." Ren says dissapointed in Bigb.

"Its fine Jimmy and Cleo will get them." Bigb says placing water to get down from this height.

Tango and Scar run into an completely open area of the forrest surrounded by trees with no gaps in them.

"Hey guys." Jimmy says standing atop the trees looking down at them.

"We can take Jimmy it's fine." Scar says nudging Tango.

"It's not just Jimmy." Cleo says appear to to the side of them.

"We still take them it's fine." Tango says nervously laughing looking around.

"What if there's three?" Ren asks climbing up to the other side.

"Im not sure anymore." Scar whispers to Tango.

"Scared aren't you." Bigb says standing on the trees behind them.

"Yeah kinda can we stop now?" Tango asks jokingly for everyone to stop hunting them.

"No can do." Cleo says shooting an arrow and hitting Tangos shield as a warning.

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