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Skizz POV:

I jamp up shouting from the pain of the lava that i just felt, growing uneasy as i look below me seeing the world, meaning i am above it, hovering in the sky.

"Woah! Where am i." I shout confused as to why im not falling.

"You are in the beyond my friend." A familiar voice says from behind me.

"Joel? Is that you?" I say turning around and seeing him.

"Yeah it is, and we only have a couple minutes before you fade away." he says coming closer to me and placing his hand on my head, suddenly, i feel all these memories of myself from seemingly different versions of this flowing back into my mind.

"What is all this?" I ask overwhelmed by my new memories, "It's your memories from the other experiments, i think your memories will be more fond than mine." Joel says taking his hand off my head, it glowing purple.

"Are you one of them?" I ask slightly angry at him for joining such an evil force.

"Yeah, they offered me to join after I died, its better to join them than to die permanently." He says shrugging his shoulders.

"I suppose so... So do i get to join them?" I ask hoping at a chance to live.

"Unfortunately not Skizz, you have to die, but this will all be over soon i promise." Joel says seeming upset for me as my vision becomes blurry.

"I can barely see!" i say stumbling back as another figure appears before me, one that looks like Impulse.

"You will be going now, Goodbye." It says sounding like Impulse aswell, as my eyes go completely blurry and i seem to fall asleep, although i know i will never wake up.

No one POV:

"Cleo, it's me" BigB says at the realisation hes the Boogeyman once again.

"Perfect! Kill me please." She shouts knowing her death will have the least impact.

"Are you sure?" Bigb asks hesitant to kill his friend.

"You did it once just do it again hurry!" She shouts once again pointing his sword towards her.

"Fine." Bigb says stabbing into her remorsefully, giving her a quick death so she feels no pain.

The sky flashes purple and the following messages appear

ZombieCleo was slain by BigbStatz

BigbStatz, you are cured.

"That was fast huh?" Ren says to Jimmy, the last remaining member of the village.

"Yeah it was, atleast we hopefully don't have to worry about the Boogeyman today anymore." Jimmy says hoping there is only one today.

"Just me and you now Jimmy, Joel and Martyn have left us." Ren says upset to his final teammate.

"Its fine Ren, we will survive!" Jimmy says patting him on the back trying to be optimistic.

"Yeah sure we will dude." Ren says barely believing him.

Grian returns to the Forrest Fort, where Mumbo and Scar currently are, hoping to rekindle any friendship that he may have lost with them.

"Look who came back." Scar says standing up from his bed seemingly angry.

"If it isn't the Bdubs murderer." Mumbo says in a friendly way towards Grian, unknowing of what Grian actually is

"Heh yeah im back guys." Grian says rubbing the back of his head anxiously hoping they forgive him.

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