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Scar walks into the Forrest fort looking for Mumbo, "Hey Grian do you know where Mumbo is?" He questions leaning onto the door.

"Oh yeah hes our getting wood right now." Grian says not looking up at Scar too distracted with making new armour.

"Thanks." Scar mumbles walking out into the forrest to find Mumbo, which doesn't take very long.

"Oh hey Scar what brings you here?" Mumbo says swinging his axe at the tree.

"I need to talk to you about something, it's important." Scar says pushing Mumbo's axe down to talk to him without distraction.

"Yeah sure whats up?" Mumbo asks putting his axe away.

"Do you remember when i died falling into that ravine, you know the one in the desert?" Scar asks

"Yeah, when i died to the creeper ofcourse i remember why?" Mumbo asks interested

"Well, it might sound weird but as i was falling, i saw, myself? falling? but like it wasn't me, it was a past me fallinf down a similar ravine with Grian at the top, like Deja vu but an actual flashback you know? I must sound crazy." Scar says struggling to say what he means

"Yeah Scar you sound crazy, although we're stuck in minecraft, so crazy is not unusual." Mumbo says reassuring him

"It felt so real, something feels wrong." He says nervously.

"Scar everything is wrong, it could have been real who knows, why not tell Grian?" Mumbo questions

"Grian's being, odd, something is up with him and i can't think what, but we have a meeting at the bedrock circle today so lets go." Scar says taking Mumbo with him back to Grian and then leaving.

It doesn't take long for them to arrive at the bedrock circle like arranged, arriving with the rest off the world and the outline of a nether portal has been set up.

"You can't be serious?" Scar says scared of what lies beyond that portal

"Oh Scar, not scared are you." Etho says laughing and handing Tango a flint and steel to light the portal.

"No no im not scared its just the nether!" Scar says sarcastically aware of the extreme danger beyond that portal.

"Come on Scar its safe we're all together" Cleo says also laughing as the portal gets lit.

"I wonder who the boogeyman is today?" Jimmy says Scott.

"Its me." Scott says boldly looking at Jimmy, Jimmy just laughs and says "Good one Scott." as he walks into the portal

"This is such a bad idea." Bdubs says sighing and going in

"Yep we all know that." Bigb says following closely behind.

"Well would you look at that, we have a nether fortress right next to us!" Impulse says happily.

"I think you're missing the massive lava pond that seperates us from said fortress." Skizz informs him

"Well split up, groups of two or three, see what you can find in here and report back here in an hour." Etho says taking lead of everybody.

"Yes sir!" Bdubs says cheerfully

They split into the following groups


"Im sure we'll find really interesting stuff here don't you think." Jimmy says sarcastically bridging across a lava pond.

"Yeah im sure we will.." Martyn says holding his pickaxe following Jimmy.

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