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"So are we really all friends again? Are you really going to stop this chaos Scar?" Grian asks hoping for yes as an answer.

"Why do you think we are going to the T.I.E.S base?, we are ending this once and for all hopefully." Scar says helping Mumbo up the mountain where the T.I.E.S base is.

After not long they arrive at the base, massive cobblestone walls and a couple towers on them, they have really improved security since the battle here.

"Etho! Scars here." Skizz says manning the wall.

"Thanks for telling me Skizz." he says as the five of them leave the base in a defensive formation.

"We come in peace no need to be so worried." Scar says trying to ease them.

"What do you want Scar." Tango says annoyed at him

"I gave you a life have some respect for me Tango." He points his finger at Tangos heart.

"We want to finalise the ending of our war, we now have a war against those in the sky, the people who put us here." Mumbo says nodding his head

"That is something we can agree on, this war has to end, Now." Impulse says lowering his sword.

"what do you say Etho, finally be at peace, escape this place and destroy the 'watchers'?" Scar asks holding his hand out.

"The watchers?" Bdubs questions

"That's what we call them, Grian came up with the name im unsure why." Mumbo answers as Grian looks down at the floor twitching a little

"Verywell Scar, aslong as you can keep true to this deal i will happily make it." Etho says shaking his hand and nodding his head.

"Now we have to go visit the village." Impulse says gesturing for everyone to follow him.

"Correct, once we have everyone on side we can begin to formulate a plan to escape." Etho says following along, for the first time yet being on good terms with Scar.

It doesn't take long to arrive at the village with the world being pretty small, the eight of them arrive with Scar and Etho standing infront of the rest of them.

"What brings you here boys?" Martyn asks walking out of the gates of the village.

"Join us, in our escape party." Scar says summing up the idea pretty fast.

"You don't waste any time do you Scar?" Ren says laughing.

"Escaping where?" Martyn asks

"Escaping here, and destroying the Watchers." Etho informs them as Martyn looks Grian straight in the eyes concerned, something that is picked up on by Skizz who looks at them confused.

"Can you feel that?" Jimmy asks as a strong wind passes them, coming from nothing and changing direction rapidly.

"That wind is not natural, someone is doing this." Tango says confused and looking around.

Etho holds his hand out feeling the air, before feeling another hand touch his except he cannot see it, he just smiles.

"What was that Etho?" Mumbo asks confused

"It's Joel, i just know it." He says sighing in relief before the wind stops.

"Etho whats with you and Joel? I've never heard you speak to him before but you seem to think you have a massive connection to him?" Grian asks concerned at what he thinks might be going on

"I dont know Grian, i just feel him, im unsure why." Etho says shrugging his shoulders as Martyn gives him a look of fear.

"So will you join us?" Skizz asks hopefully.

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