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"are you sure this plan will work?" Tango asks Joel as the approach the forrest fort, "Yeahh of course it will, it's my plan after all." Joel says pointing to himself as he pulls his sword out, "Time for a little revenge don't you think Tango?"

"oh yeah definitely mhm..." Tango agrees slightly unsure if what to do but too scared to cross the insane man infront of him.

"Tango you seem unsure, aren't having any doubts are you?" Joel says stepping close to him, "Me? No no i would never have any doubts about what we're about to do." He says nervously laughing

"That's good, you better not abandon me." Joel says as they arrive at Forrest Fort.

"What if nobody's home?" Tango questions, "Who we're here for, is always home." Joel says smirking and making a hole in the wall. "After you." he laughs letting Tango in first.

Grian is sitting on his bed doing nothing, just thinking about everything that has been going on and twiddling his fingers, surprised to have a visitor.

"Hey Grian!" Joel shouts walking in.

"Scar! Joels here" Grian shouts standing up and backing towards Scar's 'office', only to bump into Tango who found his way behind him. "Hi Grian." He says pushing him towards Joel who takes his weapons and armour off him.

"Listen Scar, This can go one of two ways, either you come out and give us a life right now, or we kill Grian and then we kill you." He says pushing Grian to the ground and holding his sword to his neck.

"Im sure we can settle this more peacefully don't you think?" Scar says pleading for the two to put down their swords.

"Scar don't let them kill me please!" Grian shouts nearly in tears.

"You may not believe we will kill him, but if you could see our red eyes right now you would be frightened.

"Il give Tango the life!" Scar says trying to make a deal with them.

"No you give me the life!" Joel shouts pushing his sword closer.

All Scar can think about is how much he doesn't want to lose Grian, one of his closest friends, he either has to give a life or try save him.

"Listen Scar, We're Bad boys I'll tell you that, we aren't afraid to kill for this." Joel warns him as Mumbo returns from whatever trip he was on, "Woah woah woah what's going on here." He says putting his hands up facing Tango and Joel, distracting them for only a slight second before Scar comes out holding his sword.

"So Scar, have you finally realised whar you need to do." Joel says holding out his hand pretty much asking for the life.

"Yeah i have, insanity is driving us all too far, i won't let it kill us all." He says nodding his head to Mumbo and Grian before saying "I wish to give a life to TangoTek."

In an instant Joel forgets about Grian and charges towards Scar, only for Tango to push him to the side. "This ends now Joel!" Tango says to him as Mumbo helps Grian up.

"Why can't any of you see it, we are all going to die! Every single last one of us will be killed hers, may aswell fight to be the one who survives, and if it can't be me il fight for everyone else!" He shouts placing a TNT under himself and lighting it.

"NO!" Scar shouts grabbing Tango and jumping back, unfortunately Grian and Mumbo can't get far enough but Mumbo has the armour to protect him, The explosion kills Grian rather effortlessly.

Grian Blew up

The sky turns Purple and stays as such, a message not appearing for Joels death and the other three can only stand clueless, What sounds like fireworks shoot up and explode in the sky from where the bedrock circle is.

"We should go, we need to tell everyone what happened here." Mumbo says making the others follow him and retrieve Grian from his bed where he respawned.

finally they appear at the bedrock circle, where the sky is at its brightest purple and everyone else has arrived, all confused at why they had been summoned here.

"Yous dont look happy, what happened?" Impulse asks concerned

"I could feel what happened, i felt a connection to it." Etho says confused at why he was the only one to feel it

"Actually dudes what happened?" Ren asks seriously.

"Where's Joel?" Jimmy asks looking around.

"Wait where actually is Joel?" Scott asks and then everybody starts questioning the same thing, except from the four that came and Etho.

"Everybody Stop!" Scar shouts silencing everybody there before Grian steps forward with Tears in his eyes.

"J-Joels dead.." He says breaking down into tears as everybody stands shocked.

"How did it happen?" Pearl asks upset herself.

"He blew himself up trying to kill the four of us." Mumbo says with his head down.

Jimmy steps forward and places a flower down against a little grave thet made for him as a nice gesture, obviously his body isn't in there.

"This really has to stop now. No more killing." Bdubs says to the others as they all agree, including Scar.

"But if you have to atleast try aim for a higher lived person." Cleo says staring down at the grave

"We lost a friend today, and he taught us to work together, he reunited us as friends again, im sure together we will escape this sick world and return to our lives. Hopefully this was a sick joke and Joel us actually with Lizzie right now." Grian says sighing and crying while hugging mumbo.

"He will be remembered well, as a beacon of hope that we can maybe, just maybe escape this place." Tango says nodding his head.

"This death showed us so much, it showed us how real this really is, and is inspiring us to be together." Bigb says comforting Cleo.

"In all my time i never talked to Joel much but whenever i did he was the kindest person i knew, this game turned him insane and because if him we will end it, we will end it for him." Martyn says cry laughing

"I knew Joel very well, we had done so much together and he was like a brother to me, when we escape we will do it in his honor!" Scar says holding up his sword to the purple moon

"Joel and i had some very fun moments, i hadn't done much with him but he had a great personality and a loving wife who will miss him very much, and for that i vow to escape in his honor." Impulse says holding his sword to the sky.

"Me and Joel had fun together, we never interacted much but his death really touched me today, i felt when it happened, it felt like i died aswell." Etho says placing his flower.

"Joel was a very close friend of mine, we had so much fun and he bullied me most of the time but it was just good banter, i know he really loved me." Jimmy sayd crying and placing his flower.

The other five say their final words to Joel before everybody hugs it out and returns to their homes to grieve alone or with their team as the sky returns to its natural colour.

End of chapter:1231 words

a shorter one than usual i know but i wanted the first death to be short and have some meaning, Sorry for no canary curse it felt too predictable:)

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