The Deal

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"So Impulse, i think you should just stay home from now on don't you think?" Skizz says concerned about his friends second death.

"Yeah maybe you're right, although i never got to see Scott, Pearl and Cleo."

"You've still seen alot more people than we have so it's not all bad." Tango Says cheering his friend up.

"And anyway, im sure we'll have an encounter with them at some point so its no biggie." Etho says with little emotion in his voice

The four arrive back at the T.I.E.S base which has been heavily walled up, only to see three others sitting on the wall, who they make out to be Grian, Scar and Mumbo.

"Nice base you got here." Scar says coldly

"Thank you Scar, what brings you here?" Impulse questions, Scar hops off the wall, "We made a deal with some cave people, we were wondering if you would be able to make the same deal with us?"

"Well what was the deal?" Etho says preparing for a fight that may come, and gesturing for the other three to be careful.

"The deal was that BigB and Bdubs are now our enemies, considering the two of them are responsible for five deaths combined, including their own" Mumbo answers,

"They are dangerous, and can not be allowed to be any stronger, we've already seen what they are capable of with little resources and just the two of them, haven't we Impulse?" Grian says holding his axe.

"Don't you think you are forgetting that they are still our friends?" Impulse says backing up and holding his sword.

"Friends dont kill eachother do they?" Scar says glaring at Skizz, reminding him of what he did to Impulse.

"Would you have preffered they became red, causing them to go even more insane and possibly die, PERMANENTLY?" Tango says defending his friends.

"They didn't only kill to get rid of the curse, they still caused three other deaths, We all know for a fact they enjoyed the thrill of killing" Mumbo accused stepping closer to the Four.

"This isn't a fight you can win and you know that." Etho says confidently

"There's more of us than you." Grian says grinning

"Can you not count? There's four of us and three of you." Skizz laughs

"Six, of us actually." Scott says appearing ontop of the wall with Cleo and Pearl by his side.

"What do we do Etho?" Impulse questions gravitating closer to Etho who sighs and lowers his sword, gesturing for the other three to do the same, "So what are the specifics of this deal?"

"You will not supply materials to Either of them." Cleo commands

"You will not give either of them Shelter or any information on any group otherwise we will be forced to come kill you." Scar says getting very close to Etho, enjoying his victory.

"I will not kill him, Unless he attacks me or Any of T.I.E.S, if he attacks you il let him." Etho states Glancing at all six of them.

"We can live with that." Scott says smiling and leaving with Cleo and Pearl.

"Good doing business with you T.I.E.S" Grian says before bringing Mumbo and Scar away with him.

"Why is everyone entertaining the fact that we all have to kill eachother?" Impulse questions

"It's like everyones gone insane." Skizz backs him up, "I think, i think maybe everyone has gone insane, and maybe we have to aswell" Tango says walking inside the base with his head down.

"I don't care what they said Bdubs is my friend and i won't treat him like a criminal." Impulse states walking behind Tango.

"But if we don't entertain this deal we can't beat them if they come for us" Etho says dissapointed.

"Then we get the Village on our side, They are the second biggest group after all" Impulse suggests.

"You mean the village Bdubs and Bigb Placed TNT under and killed you in?" Skizz retorts.

"Yeah... that village" Impulse mumbles

"We should atleast try right?" Tango stands up unwilling to be beaten by those six

"I think Tango is right, It's the only option we have." Etho says nodding his head at Tango.

"But what if the Village join the others, They will find out we tried to go against them, that'll just get us killed and we're not doing good on lives at the moment." Says Skizz, who is currrently cooking some food.

"Yeah Skizz is also right, i think we have to leave it for now, find out if the village willingly join them or are forced into it like us." Impulse says covering the torch up, ready to sleep before an arrow lands in the middle of the room, Etho quickly jumps up "Stay here" and runs outside to see where it came from, just to see Bdubs.

"Bdubs you can't be here right now." He says looking away, "Etho please i have nowhere to go, Bigb is Insane!" Bdubs pleads.

"We've been forced to claim you as an enemy of T.I.E.S, we can't help you." Etho says holding his sword

"Are you really gonna lose to them, Come on Etho you're better than this, you know im not evil" He says stepping closer.

"i know Bdubs...." Etho says drawing his bow and aiming in the direction of Bdubs, not hesitating before shooting and hitting a zombie that was sneaking up on him.

Bdubs quickly turns around before seeing what looks like a horde of zombies approaching him, With no armour and only a wood sword its certain death. He turns and makes eye contact with Etho, placing a clock in hid hands. "Take me in Etho, please."

Etho sighs "Get in Bdubs." He says pulling him into the base.

"Thank you, Thank you so much Etho." Bdubs says hugging his close friend, They walk into the main room and the other three stand up holding their swords instantaneously "Etho why is he here?" Skizz says pointing his sword.

"You may aswell prepare to fight the others, because hes staying." Etho says defending Bdubs and Seeing the other three smile and lower their weapons.

"Theres worse ways to die to be fair" Tango Laughs and the sky flashes purple.

and as usual the message appears infront of them all.

InTheLittleWood was slain by GoodTimesWithScar.

"Like that, that is definitely a worse way to die" Tango says again handing Bdubs some armour.

"Surely the village don't side with those 6 now right, I mean they murdered Martyn?" Impulse says with hope.

"That could be a boogeyman kill or they denied to join them." Skizz States,

"But i was the Boogeyman today remember?" Bdubs reminds everyone as it turns midnight.

"There can be more than one, and scar seemed very on edge today." Etho refreshes everyones memory of what Grian said

"Let's just get some rest, im sure tomorrow will be a big day for all of us." Impulse says closing the door and laying on his bed.

"Impulse is right." Etho says also getting into bed.

End of chapter: 1162 words

Im not sure about this chapter tbh, im just setting up something bigger, and this chapter may be moved to a slightly later time depending on if i go ahead making another chapter i was thinking about. Hope you enjoyed it though, if anyone actually ever reads it

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