Chapter 5

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Arora house

As the morning sun slowly filtered through the window panes, a young girl approached the front door of the house. The jingling of her keys was barely audible as she deftly unlocked the door and stepped inside, careful not to make a sound. She tiptoed down the hallway and into her bedroom, where she gently placed her suitcase on the floor and locked the door behind her. Without a moment's hesitation, she made her way to the bathroom and turned on the shower, allowing the warm water to wash away the weariness of her journey.

After drying off, she emerged from the bathroom, her footsteps light and almost inaudible. She paused for a moment, listening intently to ensure that no one was awake. Satisfied that the house was still quiet, she made her way to the kitchen. With the same quiet efficiency that had characterized her every movement since she arrived, she selected a utensil and set about making tea. The sound of boiling water mingled with the gentle rustling of tea leaves, filling the kitchen with a comforting aroma. As she waited for the tea to steep, the girl gazed out the window, watching as the world outside slowly came to life.

After she was done making tea, she poured it into three cups, kept the cups in a tray and made her way to Uday's room. As the girl knocked on Uday's bedroom door, both Uday and Lila were jolted awake. Lila's overactive imagination immediately jumped to the possibility of a supernatural presence, while Uday cautiously approached the door to investigate. As he opened the door, the girl stood there with a tray containing two steaming cups of tea. Uday's initial shock turned to surprise. Uday's heart swelled with happiness at the sight of his beloved niece, KOYAL ARORA . Seeing her face filled him with a sense of joy that he had not experienced in a long time. Lila, who had followed her husband to the door, was equally thrilled to welcome their only niece into their home.

Over the warm cups of tea, the trio caught up on the latest happenings in their lives. "What a lovely surprise, my dear. This morning has been one of the best in recent times," Lila exclaimed, beaming at her niece. Koyal smiled in response and Uday inquired, "How did you arrive so early, Bittu?" "I caught an early bus," Koyal replied. "You should have told me, beta. It's not safe to travel alone at such hours," Uday commented. "Oh, chachu, I wanted to surprise you. Besides, my friend Vivek dropped me off at the gate," Koyal explained. Lila intervened, "Let's not dwell on that now. You both talk while I make breakfast."

The day flew by with Koyal and Lila chatting away while Uday received positive feedback from the private investigator on Vardhaan. Both Uday and Koyal's maternal uncle, Ashok Singh, were satisfied with the proposal, and Uday made up his mind to talk to Koyal about it.

In the evening, as they sipped their evening tea, Uday cleared his throat and said, "Koyal, I want to talk to you."

Koyal's POV

As I took a sip of tea, Chachu's serious expression caught my attention, and I wondered what was on his mind. "Bittu, there is a proposal for you," he said. My heart skipped a beat. He went on to explain that the boy's name was Vardhaan Chopra, the grandson of my nana's friend he said. Chachu had done a thorough background check on him and was impressed with his credentials. Vardhaan was a 26-year-old MBA, all set to take over as the CEO of his family business in the near future. "I believe he would make a suitable life partner for you, Koyal. Please give this proposal some thought," he concluded. I felt a mix of emotions as I tried to process everything he had just said. Before I could fully understand the matter Chachi said " I know it all of a sudden for you, but the right time for your marriage has come Koyal. If you have someone else in your life then tell us about that now"

I got totally blacked for few seconds. I satthere numb for a few minutes then I voiced my thoughts "There is no one in mylife right now Chachi and I don't want to marry now as I have my whole carrierleft to make now." Chachi looked at me with understanding eyes, and said,"I understand your concern, Koyal. But remember, marriage is a partnershipwhere both partners support each other to grow and achieve their dreams. Andhaving a life partner by your side can actually be a source of strength and motivation in yourcareer as well. And I am saying this with my experience. Your uncle made sureto tell them about your dreams to them before hand and after knowing their viewson this regard only he told you about this matter."

"Bittu, there is one more thing" Chachu spoke again, and I listened to chachu with rapt attention. "So you know how your nani's health is, much better than us. It's Kalyani ji 's wish to see your marriage before descending to the heavens. Your nana also wanted to establish family ties with his friend Amarpreet Chopra." My eyes watered after hearing his words. I know with the last stage of cervical cancer how soon can my nani leave this world, but just to fulfill her last wish could I marry someone?

"Chachu this is too much to process at once. Please give me time till tomorrow I will think and tell you my answer." "Okay Bittu but rembere I will always support your decision and don't take any decision under pressure. I told you all the facts, now think wisely and decide." Chachu assured me before I left from there to my room.






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