Up and Down

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Chapter One - Audiobook Version:

With all the major goings on, it is a wonder Professor Black hasn't cancelled the Yule dance just as he had Quidditch. But perhaps he was too busy doing... some thing or another up in his office.

Nobody ever knows what it is, anyhow.

The dance would precede the winter break. Anna hoped that with most students gone, she would be free to roam the castle halls and surrounding countryside with impunity.

Not that she doesn't already.

But more importantly the dance... her heart skipped a beat or two. No, this is silly... Should she-

"Ms Visconti, I know Mr Thakkar doesn't pose much of a challenge for you but please at least keep from falling asleep before the lesson ends?"

Professor Hecat's biting wit is as sharp as ever, as are her deep-set eyes. Anna could feel her cheeks tingle with an unwelcome blush.

"Apologies, professor. Sorry, Amit."

"It's okay," her fellow Ravenclaw waves his arms as he tries to flip himself right side up in the air, his robes draped over his head, "but you can put me down, I yield."

She nods, still feeling awkward for being called out while daydreaming.

"Accio! "

She pulls her friend over to her, flipping him head up in the process, then lets go of her charm, allowing him to land more or less gracefully.

The rest of Defence Against the Dark Arts passed in relative peace. If one can call the reactionary cast of Confringo by one Sebastian Sallow and subsequent detention announced for him - again - peaceful, and at last, she was free to leave the room. It smells overwhelmingly of burning hair now, anyway.

She begins to walk to her next class - Herbology with professor Garlick - only half paying attention to what Poppy and Natty were talking about. But then, she felt a tap on the shoulder.

"Hey-y-y, you got a moment?"

She turns to find Sebastian behind her, wearing that lopsided grin that usually means he is up to no good.

Anna tilts her head to the side, curious. Did he discover something new in his research? Why not just send an owl, like he usually does? Or is it something urgent?


She waves to Poppy and Natty to keep going but they shake their heads.

"It's okay, we can wait for you!" Poppy beams at her, the ball of sunshine that she usually is. Natty nods in agreement.

"Go on, plan your mischief, the two of you."

"It won't take long," Sebastian takes her hand, making her freeze up for a brief moment, and pulls her away towards the alcove by the window. The one where she always runs into the castle's cats.

He tows her by the hand like he is afraid she will bolt. Which is a bit strange, but it's not like she's never held hands with him before. Going through the ancient magic mirrors she always took his hand in hers to ensure they both made it through.

But usually, she has her thick duelling gloves on...

"What is it, Sebastian?" They stop by the window covered in a layer of hoarfrost, "is everything alright?"

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