Enemies and Allies

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Sebastian is seething. Just as Ominis predicted, Imelda blamed him for letting the Gryffindors win... despite the fact that he still played really well.

"Imelda, please, that isn't fair," Anna says soothingly, "I saw what was happening. Sebastian gave it his all. You know that. He wants to win just as much as you do."

The tiny brunette bristles, but the furrow between her dark brows smooths out a bit. Anna pulls her into a tight hug and feels Imelda sigh heavily into her shoulder.

She also did her best. More than half of the goals from the Slytherin team came from her. But it wasn't enough to beat out the Snitch.

"Fine, fine, Birdie, take him away and do whatever it is you do to make him happy. But he better be ready for even more practice."

"Merlin..." Sebastian groans as the Captain storms past him down the road to the castle, "she is such a bitch."

Anna smiles and takes his hand. He is covered in dried sweat, dust and even some blood from being repeatedly hit with Bludgers and Quaffle, a bruise is blooming on his jaw.

"Come. You need a bath and a rest. You played beautifully," she stands on her tiptoes to kiss his freckled cheek. Like magic, a smile appears on his dour face, "I saw everything. You did amazing."

He tries to pull her in closer but she squirms away, laughing. He is grimy and he smells. Eventually, Sebastian gives up, chuckling, and they trudge over to the castle halls.

As they walk down the corridors, intending to hit the Room of Requirement, Anna sees someone she hadn't laid eyes on in nearly two years. Her feet skid to a stop and she stares.

"My dear girl, I found you. You must listen."

"P-professor Fitzgerald?!"

Niamh Fitzgerald leans down in the frame of a portrait of some grizzled old wizard, pushing the inhabitant unceremoniously away.

"Indeed. Please listen to me..."

Sebastian eyes the former Headmistress and Ominis tilts his head in question. Anna steps close to the frame. What could cause Niamh to come here? Now?

"I have just witnessed your insufferable Headmaster have an... exceedingly disturbing conversation with two young men in his office. I'm afraid you are in grave danger."

Anna stares, confused. But beside her, she hears a sharp inhale of breath. Ominis is tense, his hand gripping the handle of his wand so hard it trembles.

"What in the world..."

"You must hide," Niamh's eyes are pleading, "run. You have to survive, Anna."

"But... I can fight-"

"You have no plan and no time, they are on their way, looking for you. They have Headmaster Black on their side. Any confrontation you have will most likely be twisted in their favour, from what I have seen of the man."


Strong hands turn her to face Ominis, and his face is that of tightly controlled terror.

"Please, Anna. Listen to her."

"But who the hell are they?!"

He sighs, a deep furrow between his dark brows.

"My blasted brothers, by the sound of it."

Anna gasps. The Gaunts. The worst of the reasons they hid their involvement for so very long. Being a half-blood... she would be less than human to them. Even those like Ominis and Noctua had suffered terribly at the hands of their family.

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