Black and White

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Ominis is not a stranger to rumours in the halls. Usually, it's something idiotic, like who is seeing who and who has duelled whom. Who has gotten detention and for what.

Last year, of course, the rumours became vicious when it came to the three of them, but they weathered that storm.

Now... well, it's a reprise of the last one, except poor Anna is bearing the brunt of the assault. If anything, other boys seem to be impressed... while their love is being harassed at every turn. Double standards of society at their finest.

Though he doesn't doubt that were it known the kind of relationship he and Sebastian had grown into, they would be just as hounded.

He considers the possibility of having it slip. Just to take the heat away from Anna... but after consideration, he dismisses that plan as reckless and stupid.

Any further depravity will also be smeared on her, making the situation even worse. He cannot abide that. He will stand by her and shield her from the worst of it, as much as it is in his power.

Not many will dare to anger a scion of the ignoble House of Gaunt.

The stories of his brothers' cruelty are still legendary among the student body.

Usually, he despises the comparison. He is nothing like them.

But right now... he will take advantage of it. If fear can keep Anna safe and sound, he will project the vile terror that comes from his accursed name.

Such are his thoughts as he walks to meet up with them for the final class of the day, Defence Against the Dark Arts. To his surprise, Sebastian is alone.

"Where is she?" He demands, trying not to let his own fear and worry show.

"Sharp held her back. She uh... blew up a cauldron, full-on Garreth Weasley style."

Ominis shakes his head. That isn't like her at all. The harassment is getting to her...

"Well then. We should escort her here when she will be out."

"Yeah. I brought our things and I was going to head right back so I can-"

"Are Sebastian Sallow and Ominis Gaunt of the noble Slytherin House in here?" A scratchy voice makes him frown and turn to face the doorway. The sound was coming rather low to the ground... almost as if it was-

"Yes," Sebastian sounds terse, "what do you want?"

"Master Black wishes to speak with Slytherin students Sallow and Gaunt. If you would please follow Scrope..."

A house-elf. Black's house-elf.

Ominis's gut is twisting in awful knots, a rush of cold sweat running down his spine. Black wishes to speak with them. There can be no doubt what about. The inane purist will be foaming at the mouth at the thought of the two of them - purebloods from old magical families - having relations with a half-blood witch. A witch that was thought to be a Squib, and raised as a Muggle.

Hero of Hogwarts or not, to someone like Phineas Nigelus Black she will always be second-rate, no matter how brilliantly she shines.

What's worse... he already knows what Black will threaten him with.

"Come on, Ominis. Let's get this over with."

"We should leave a note for Anna," he is stalling, and he knows he is stalling.


"Yeah... we should..." Sebastian's quill scratches on the paper and a soft rustle tells him he tucked it into her bag, "let's go."

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