Stone and Sky

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She has been all alone for so long. Had she forgotten about her? Or is she waiting for her to do something?

Slowly getting off the stone slabs, she stretches and looks around. The field of reeds is still the same as it was, endless and empty, but now she has created some sort of platform out of nothing.

The sun glares at her, and her skin should have burned a long time ago. But it doesn't. Still, the heat of the rays is getting to her, even with the pleasant coolness of the breeze.

If only she could have something that would block it out...

But what if she can make it?

Remembering the way Pasashet moved her hand when weaving a bridge out of the water, she moves her arm in a slow, snake-like motion.

Nothing happens.

And the motion... feels wrong. Like something is missing.

A screech pierces the stillness of the cloudless heaven and she looks up to see a wading bird land beside her, its long hooked bill looking a bit menacing... or it would have if the bird was larger.

It's barely taller than her knee, white feathers fluffing gently in the breeze. The white feathers give way to black around its head and neck, and on the tips of its wings and tail.

Its eyes are shimmering black pearls, keen and intelligent. They seem to study her as it looks at her from multiple angles, tiny head bobbing and tilting on top of the long slender neck.

Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure-

The bird bends its long curved neck and preens its wing. Then, it pulls a single long flight feather out and drops it on the ground in front of her. After that, it launches off into the still, eternal sky.

She picks up the feather, stiff and still warm from the body of the bird. It lies in her fingers in a very familiar way. She holds it in her hand, and extends her hand, pointing at the corner of the platform. That feels right, somehow.

She makes a slow, gentle movement again, this time with the feather in hand as her focus.

The reeds shiver and bend, parting away. A pillar of twisting stone rises up from the ground, guided by her hand, casting merciful shade against the unending onslaught of the sun.

She lowers her hand, swaying slightly on her feet. It took a lot out of her, to create this structure. But not as much as she expended to make the platform itself. Walking over to the column, she sits down with her back to it, relishing the coolness of the shadow.

He needs more than pretty pillars-

"Very good."

She opens her eyes to find Pasashet standing in the shade in front of her, smiling.

"I see he gave you some help... it seems he thought you were too slow figuring it out on your own. Don't worry, as his meddling matters little... though he could have some faith in you."


Pasashet nods at the feather with a small smile.

She looks at it, turning it in her fingers. It seems important somehow... something she had before. Not quite like this, heavier, warmer, a friend.

"Why am I here, Pasashet?"

The woman smiles, pleased.

"To learn. To know. To remember."

The woman offers her a hand. She takes it, and they walk around the platform of stone, reeds whispering in their wake.

"There aren't many who are born with the gift. But when they are, the world changes. The world has to change to make way for you. It happened with me, and it has already happened with you... I can feel it."

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