Lost and Found

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Over the night, Anna was woken up multiple times by Grace who gave her potions to drink. One insane dream followed another, each vivid and seared into the back of her eyelids after she opened her tired eyes.

She feels not one bit rested when morning finally comes.

Still groggy from sleep and weak as a kitten, there is no way she'd make it back to the castle on her own two legs. With Madam Aberdeen needing to head back to St Mungo's, Anna can't stay in Feldcroft. She needs care.

So, she is picked up by Sebastian and carried into Hogwarts' Hospital Wing despite all her protestations.

As expected, Madam Bailey is not happy.

"Ms Visconti, you seem to enjoy staying in my infirmary," the Matron is checking her vitals, a deep frown etched into her tired face, "most students don't have to be in here this many times in seven years as you managed in two."

"What can I say, Madam Bailey... trouble finds me," Anna gives a pained smile and bears with it as the poking and prodding continue.

Even sitting up in the bed is exhausting her, and Anna is glad to lean back on the thin pillows.

"I need to head out. I'll let Howin know you won't be coming before my own class," Sebastian leans down to kiss her forehead. Anna nods, grateful, and pulls him down by his necktie for a proper kiss. He smiles at the weak tug and obliges.

As Sebastian hurries out of the Hospital Wing in a flash of emerald Floo, Anna eyes Ominis sitting beside her. He makes no move to stand up.

"Don't you have Ancient Runes?..."

"I'm not leaving you," he says quietly but certainly.


"I'm not. It's pointless to argue, my love," he reaches out a hand and she takes it. Usually, she is the one who feels warmer.

This time it's not the case.

"I will not leave you alone. You were injured, nearly died because of me. Because of my weakness..."

"Ominis... what happened?..." it bothered her, tormented her to know why he was stunned, paralysed, unresponsive and oblivious to the struggle she had to fight alone.

His fingers clench, a deep crease sets between his dark eyebrows.

"I'm... not sure. But when I heard their voices, I was back... it didn't happen before. But I was back there, in the old mansion, and all I could hear was screaming and a body writhing on the floor. Blood on my hands and my face. My wand shaking out of control, fighting me... trapped in my own mind, my father's hand on the back of my neck, squeezing... nowhere to run, too scared to fight... I'm... so sorry, my love..."

Anna brings his hand to her lips and leaves a kiss on his knuckles.

"Please, do not apologise for something like that. You suffered a lot at the hands of your family. It is not surprising that you are still affected by it."

No one else is convalescing in the infirmary. Anna pulls on Ominis' hand gently but insistently.

"Please... come here. Come to me."

He is still uncomfortable with such public displays of affection - despite them being so hard-won. Eventually, he sits down on the bed beside her and Anna is happy to curl into him, using his thighs as her pillow. His hands hesitantly land on her shoulders, her hair, her neck, petting gently.

It's almost peaceful.

But it appears that peace doesn't like her, and her in particular.

Sharp, echoing heel clacks make the sleep that was about to engulf her to flee in an instant. Someone is approaching. Anna groans softly and makes no move to disentangle herself from Ominis.

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