Returning and New

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Arrival at Hogwarts was not very eventful... aside from Sebastian's wandering hands as he seems to be in a hurry to get all the contact he can from her before they go back to sleeping in the separate dormitories.

Ominis chuckled every time he would begin smelling arousal from either of them, shaking his head at their eagerness... until they would inevitably draw him in.

By the time they get out of the Thestral carriage, Anna can only think of a shower and her own bed for a change. Much as she dislikes sleeping alone, she needs uninterrupted rest after travelling like that.

Sebastian sneaks one final kiss before he and Ominis take a hard left toward the Slytherin table and she continues on to her own Ravenclaws.

"Anna! How have you been?" Amit is already seated, and with a smile, she notes a shiny prefect badge pinned to the front of his robes.

"Good, Amit. Yourself?"

They chat away about the holidays in whispers as the gaggle of tiny first-years is getting sorted, clapping at appropriate times, with Amit getting very excited about the spectacular views of the sky she described observing from the empty desert.

"Are you taking the NEWT Astronomy class?"

"Of course! You know it's my favourite subject. I got an 'O', of course I am!"

"Ah... well, while I did pass, I only just scraped by with an 'A'. I don't think Shah would want to take me."

"That is a shame," Amit gives her an apologetic smile.

"Yeah. I liked the lessons, but I guess I just couldn't make up for four years of knowledge fast enough."

The hall is filled with voices and laughter, but also something else is in the air. Fear? Excitement? Anna presumes the news of the Triwizard Tournament has spread like wildfire already.

One always has a choice.

The sound of crystal glass being tapped rings out through the refectory. With a sigh, Anna turns to the dais where professor Black has taken the centre stage.

"Now, as many of you have probably already read in yesterday's edition of The Daily Prophet, our esteemed school is reviving the Triwizard Tournament this year."

He seems even more pleased with himself than in that picture. Anna has to fight to suppress a cringe. Black is parading around like a peacock, completely unaware of the tigers behind him.

"The heads of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, along with their chosen aspirants will be arriving soon, and I expect you to be a proper example of the values and virtues of our Founders! Courage, loyalty, wit and ambition!"

She claps with the rest of the student body, feeling an empty pit opening in her stomach.

"Ah, but it seems our guests have arrived. Please welcome... Headmaster Jandelaine Avelier, of Beauxbatons!"

The grand double doors fling open, and a short but stately man walks in, leading a contingent of young men and women in sky-blue robes. Anna claps, welcoming the French students and their Headmaster. Monsieur Avelier gives an elegant bow, smiling. Next to the false smirk of professor Black, he seems so much more genial.

As some introductions are made, the blue-robed students seem to gravitate to the Ravenclaw table, perhaps because of the similar colours. Anna and Amit scoot over, making space for the newcomers.

"Bonsoir," she nods politely at the girl that sits beside her. Across from her, a tall and rather handsome Beauxbatons boy flashes her a charming smile.

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