Push and Pull

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TW: past sexual assault

There is a castle on the hill, its halls dim and loud with festive music on the eve of a new beginning.

There is a clock in one of the castle's halls, the one that never needs winding, and it chimes every hour on the hour for many, many years.

There is a secret door inside that clock, one leading down and down into a spacious columned room, now lit with warm red-orange light.

There is a nest inside that room, of soft feathery pillows and heavy blankets, inviting and private and safe.

Anna sighs as the velvet gown is pulled open and off her, slipping down her skin in a black silken waterfall, and her undergarments follow soon. Her hair escapes its confines and spills all over her back, chest and shoulders, her only covering as she climbs onto the lap of the dark-haired boy sprawled on the pillows.

Her fingers are fast and nimble as she pops the buttons open one after another, revealing more and more tanned skin, freckles and taut, stout muscle.

He smells of burning oak and salty musk as she kisses him, rolling her hips slowly over his, feeling the straining erection inside his tight trousers. Sebastian gasps under her, his abdomen muscles flexing as he pushes back into her, chasing the friction.

The pressure feels so good, and Anna's head rolls back a bit at the sensation of coiling tightness inside her loins.

She looks over her shoulder to see Ominis mostly undressed, precisely controlling where he puts the discarded clothing before he turns to them on the inviting nest, and she can see him breathing fast. He licks those thin lips, closing the distance between them and settles behind her, arms wrapping around her waist, hands remapping her body after a long absence.

Long delicate fingers slide up to grasp her small perky breasts and squeeze gently, eliciting a shudder and a tiny mewl from her lips.

Light, airy kisses cover her neck and shoulders, and she feels the flutter of his long eyelashes against her skin as he does it. Her heart is so full of love for both of them, and she wants nothing more than to feel it quake through her entire body.

Clever fingers slide along her weeping slit as her other lover is not about to be outdone, and he circles the small nub of nerves with the pad of his thumb, pressing and rolling and sending tremors through her abdomen and legs. Two strong, thick fingers part her opening and slide inside without any resistance. Sebastian pumps his hand slowly, each move making her liquids gush out onto his digits and palm, the sensual flex and roll doing more to her mind and body than any feral mating might.

She is a hedonist, and they are all too happy to oblige her.

"Ah-h-h, Sebastian, please..."

Usually, in their more playful and naughty moods, they would only tease each other with such an exclamation. But tonight, he sits up, smiles into her skin, leaves a loving bite at the top of her left breast and flexes his fingers just so.

Her body shudders as he massages the perfect spot inside of her, her vision blurring from tears of overstimulation and borderline pain.

"I can't anymore, Sebastian," Ominis groans as his touch on her skin grows more fervent, more teeth join his lips in a caress, "I need her..."

Sebastian slides his puckered fingers out of her and brings them to Ominis' lips. He inhales, detecting the intense scent of her arousal and sucks them clean.

"She's ready for you..." Sebastian's forehead presses against Ominis' and he nuzzles his gently, "are you?"


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