Waters and Flames

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For my friends Xanti and Nim, and the former's insistence on this particular thing happening eventually <3


Anna cringes as Nurse Bailey turns her hand this way and that, her battered fingers covered in dried blood.

The Matron clicks her tongue and taps each finger with her wand, healing the injured quick.

"Not much to do for the nails themselves, as it is dead tissue. You'll just have to cut them as the cracks and tears grow out."

Anna nods.

Madam Bailey already checked her coordination and reflexes - being hit to the head with a Bludger was not pleasant but it didn't seem to have done any major damage thanks to her enchanted helmet.

She is not keen to reprise her stint in the Hospital Wing after the Feldcroft skirmish. That was less than pleasant.

"Very well, Ms Visconti... you may go change now."

"Thank you, Madam Bailey."

Anna rolls her sore shoulders and heads over to the locker rooms. Everyone else seems to have already mostly changed, but the Matron wanted to check on her more thoroughly, after all, she did black out for a moment on the field after that nasty hit.

"Anna! Great work today," Sienna runs up to hug her. Her wet hair smells of lavender soap. Anna hugs her back, patting the other girl on the shoulder.

"Nice catch, yourself."

"Hah, thank you. The nurse checked you over?"

"Yeah. No concussion."

"Oh, good. I didn't think so, since that happened pretty early on, and you did brilliantly after, but never hurts to check. Go ahead and clean up. We're going to celebrate in the Common Room, join us when you are done!"


Amanda and Tony give her similar praise and leave after slapping her shoulders. The rest of the team is also jubilant but more restrained with their affection. They leave as Anna drops the heavy leather gear onto a bench and shakes out her hair from the helmet with a sigh of relief.

"I thought they'd never leave."

Anna gasps and spins around. Sebastian is leaning on the doorframe, smiling, arms crossed over his broad chest.

"Oh... I..."

She is a total mess. Sweaty, bloody and grimy, bruised and battered. Her hair probably looks like a bird's nest after being shoved into the helmet for so long. She tries to smooth it down, self-conscious of her appearance. She usually tries to be presentable.

"You were beautiful," he stalks over to her, his eyes dark," I couldn't look away watching you..."

He is right in front of her, looming over and she takes an unconscious step back. He follows her, matching her step by step by step.

"It was my first match, I think I did..."

"Magnificent. You were born to fly, you soared like you had wings. And when you got hit Ominis and Anne had to hold me back from jumping off the stalls to get to you."

"Where are th-"

She just barely begins to ask about the others when Sebastian grabs her by the shoulders. Her back hits the wall as he devours her lips in a hungry kiss. Anna keens into his mouth, too tired to resist... not that she even wants to.

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