Name and Place

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"Parselmouths... perhaps. It wouldn't have been thought of as associated with Dark magic as it is in our day. Snakes were sacred, and conversing with them... well, that probably would have been a badge of honour if anything."

Vance seems to intently ponder the implications of such a thing. Ominis clears his throat.

"I could try to speak and see if anything of note happens."

"Wait... you're a Parselmouth?!"

"Yes," Ominis shifts uncomfortably.

"How fascinating," Vance seems not the least bit put off, "you possess a rare ability indeed!"

Ominis laughs, shaking his head.

"Your daughter said the exact same thing when I told her, funnily enough."

"Now I'm definitely feeling left out," grumbles Sebastian.

Vance paces around the room, reading the carvings.

"A lot of snake motifs. Not unusual, but perhaps..." He turns back to them, eyes alight with keen curiosity, "please, Mr Gaunt."

"Is there anything particular I should be saying?" Ominis looks uneasy, his brows furrowing.

"Not sure. Perhaps the inscription on the bas-relief is a good start?"

He nods.

"Can you recite it for me again? And without the... embellishments."

Ominis begins to speak, but it does not take long for something to happen. The bas-relief stirs. The goddess raises her wings and the black snake disappears, fleeing to the edge of the stone slab.

Then, the relief cascades down like thick silvery water, dissipating into nothing.

"What did you say?" Sebastian peeks into the opened hallway. Vance immediately grabs him by the back of the collar and pulls him back behind the cover of a wall. Belatedly, Sebastian recalls the word 'traps'.

"Didn't get far. Only got to the name 'Isis'. And then... this happened."

"It was pretty clear this person was dedicated to Isis, but this is an even greater confirmation. I expected there to be secret chambers but to protect it behind something like Parseltongue? Singular!"

"How did you know there were more rooms?" Sebastian looks over his shoulder at the man. The latter smiles.

"Well, don't you think this chamber is missing something?"


"The sarcophagus. It isn't here. It must be deeper inside, protected. This room is but an antechamber to deter... well, us."

"Not the first tomb I've disturbed."

"It really isn't something to be proud of, Sebastian."

Sebastian rolls his eyes and turns to Vance.

"What now?"

"I'm going in first, to check for any traps or guards. If I give you an all-clear, you can proceed."

"And... if not?"

"That's when you start running."

"Fair enough," Sebastian shrugs, "I presume you've done this before."

"Of course! Give me just a moment..."

Vance murmurs some incantations, too softly for him to pick up, and waves his wand around his body. A shimmering barrier, barely detectable, appears around him.

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