Openness and Secrecy

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"Just don't... tell Ominis. He wouldn't like the way this is going."

Anna eyes the open eight-hundred-some-year-old manuscript, carefully supported by pieces of wood on the sides to stop it from opening too far.

Even the way the letters are written looks macabre. Like crushed spiders, they splay out on the mouldy pages with irregular tails and legs.

"I don't like this either, Sebastian," Anna takes his hand in hers, stroking the top of his palm with her thumb in soothing circles, "even if it's something Dark, however... you should tell him. Please."

"He wouldn't understand."

"I will decide what I will or won't understand," a cold, clipped voice makes them both jump.

"Ominis..." Anna wants to let go of Sebastian's hand, but he holds it tight, "we were just..."

"How did you get in here so quietly?" Sebastian's eyes narrow in suspicion, "we would have heard the grate open!"

Ominis shakes his head, a tiny strand of blond hair falling down to frame his aristocratic face.

"Silencio works not only on annoying prefects, Sebastian."

"Then why were you eavesdropping?!" He is getting angry, the indignation is palpable in his voice, in his posture.

Ominis' shoulders sag just a bit.

"I was looking for the two of you. It's Boxing Day," he turns away, despondent, "I had wanted to present you with gifts, perhaps go to the Three Broomsticks. But it appears you have more important things to discuss."

His voice is ice and it hurts her to hear it.

"Like what I should or shouldn't know."

Anna looks at the two boys, desperate. The book, that damned book is going to tear them apart...

"Enough. Sebastian, please, put this thing away," he opens his mouth to object, "at least for now."

Reluctantly, he closes the ancient tome and fiddles with his bag to stash it away safely.


"I heard what you said," his voice softens, and he reaches out his hand to her, which she takes, "thank you for not wanting to deceive me."

"It's not something one should be thankful for."

"In the world we live in, such things are not to be taken for granted, Anna."

She can hear Sebastian approach the two of them from behind, his arms wrapping around her waist and head resting on her shoulder. Her heart thuds.

The Undercroft is a secluded place. No one will find them here. No one will interrupt them. Heat rises in her face as she tries to chase away the memory of the note professor Sharp gave her a few days ago.

Tansy, pennyroyal, rue and wormwood. An encyclopaedia of medicinal plants and herbs listed each one as a potent potion ingredient, but strongly advised against taking any should a patient be with child, leaving the other obvious conclusion unwritten: it can also be used to terminate an unwanted pregnancy.

A concoction of all four was sure to do the trick.

The implications of the Potions Master giving her the note were clear.

Anna quickly extricates herself from Sebastian's arms and lets go of Ominis' hand. Merlin and Morgana, this is hard... they only just began this strange relationship, and already the cracks have appeared in its foundation.

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