Time and Eternity

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Spoilers for "In the Shadow of Time".

The damp drip-drip-drip of the tomb is getting on her nerves. She hates these places. It sets her teeth on edge and all the scary stories that Muggles are told as children come to life in her mind.

She knew even then that there are things beyond her ken, when she was but a Squib, with very minor awareness of the wizarding world.

She knows now there are much worse things than Muggles could ever imagine.

She waits for that ungodly groan, the tell-tale scratch of peeling, splitting nails against the stone and ground. She waits for the undead to come clambering out of the darkness.

They do not come.

Instead, she levitates the skulls and bones to reveal a hidden doorway. Macabre, but effective.

She doesn't want to look into the empty sockets of the skull. The one who set this up had counted on the reverence all normal people hold for Death. Only truly Dark witches and wizards won't hesitate to disturb the sacred ancestral tombs.

What does it make her, then?

But such crypts are rarely unoccupied. If not by undead then...

Sebastian bars her way with an outstretched arm.

"I see spiderwebs ahead. Big ones."

"Lovely," Anna whispers, the scar on her leg tingling. It is only her imagination, she knows that, but...

"Before we go in, Anna..." he pulls her back into the preceding chamber, "I've been reading more of Slytherin's notes, and cross-referencing with the Secrets of the Darkest Arts..."


"I know, I know," he rolls his eyes, and she sighs, "but I think I've figured out the Imperius curse."

"The same way you 'figured out' Cruciatus?" She eyes him suspiciously, "Sebastian, please..."

"I cannot leave this power on the table," he responds, stubborn as is always the case, "just like you cannot leave knowledge. I have that knowledge. I'm offering it again. Do you wish to know how to cast it?"

Anna bites her lip, torn once again. Forbidden knowledge. And the Imperius curse seems a little more... acceptable? A strange way to look at something that can put you into Azkaban for casting it on another sentient being. Compared to the sheer horror of the Cruciatus or the deadly power of Avada Kedavra, it seems almost... tame?

"It's an advantage in a fight," Sebastian says softly. He knows exactly where to push, "and, I do worry when you are off, Merlin knows where without someone to watch your back. With this... I will sleep easier."

She breathes out a mirthless laugh, resigned. He knows her too well.

"You could sell a Niffler its own gold, Sallow. Fine. Teach me."

She learns the wand movements and the incantation. Simple enough. Now...

"Did you try it on anyone?" She asks, not really sure if she wants to know.

"No," he looks away, "I wouldn't trust... anyone else."

"Am I to be flattered?" she prods him with the tip of her wand.

"You should try it on me. See if I was right."

"But... why not you? I cast Crucio on you. It's only fair..."

Sebastian takes a sharp breath, studiously not looking at her.


"You... shouldn't. Really shouldn't."

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