Wounds and Healing

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The sun is setting as the train pulls up to the Liverpool Lime Street station. Sebastian is first down on the pavement, and with Anna's help, they lower Anne down to the ground.

Sebastian offers Anna a hand as well, and it would be a bit strange for her to refuse the help in such a public place. She accepts his hand and climbs down with at least some grace, careful not to trip over her skirt and petticoat.

Ominis finds the edge of the compartment with his cane, and taps around a few times, gauging the space and the distance.

"Here, Ominis," Sebastian extends a hand to his friend, which he accepts as well, and climbs down out of the compartment. Rolling his shoulders, Ominis tilts his head slightly from side to side, listening to the noise all around.

"It's amazing," Anne is looking up at the massive space all around, immense ironwork arches spanning the platform, the reddish light of the sunset making the glass roof glow like embers, "how... it's beautiful."

Anna looks around and spots some signs on the wall.

"Ah, this way. North Western Hotel is where we're going to stay the night."

She takes Ominis by the elbow and leads him through the crowd, with Anne and Sebastian close behind.

The hotel fronting the station is a beautiful palatial building, inspired by French châteaus. Anna feels some trepidation approaching the clerk. Is her look going to pass a closer inspection? Would the man behind the counter ask too many questions?

She is an average height for her age, but she is still growing. Her features still haven't lost the juvenile plumpness, and her soft voice is still high and girly. She is unlikely to seem older than nineteen at the very best.

Thankfully, the man doesn't comment on her youthful appearance. He does throw a questioning look at Ominis but much like the ticket clerk at the station, he notices the unseeing eyes and accepts that he is going to deal with her.

Without too much fuss, she secures two rooms, one for herself and Anne - her sister, she smiles as she lies to the man's face - and the other for Ominis and Sebastian, who she explains are her fiancé and his friend. All travelling together after the Easter holiday spent in the Highlands.

The clerk nods, writes down the names in the ledger - fake ones, of course - and hands her the keys.

Sebastian helps Anne up from an armchair - it's clear she needs proper rest after the bumpy ride - and they walk up the massive staircase to their rooms.

Despite her putting on a brave face, Anne clearly is struggling. As all four of them pile into the room, Sebastian helps his sister down on one of the beds while Anna rummages in her enchanted satchel for some potions.

"I had a feeling we'd better stop for the night," she says, finding the vial of green liquid and bringing it over to Anne, "London is still another five hours from here. You would have really struggled."

The girl gives her a weak smile and shrugs.

"I didn't think I'd feel this way. I wasn't... doing anything while on the train."

"You couldn't properly rest, though," Anna brings the potion up to the girl's lips, "and I don't think the shaking and rattling are easy to bear this long even when healthy."

"I'm fine. I just... need to rest."

"Alright. Are you hungry at all?"


Anna exchanges a glance with Sebastian. Anne barely ate on the way, and she has been this way for almost a year now.

"Please, Anne," Sebastian takes her hand and smiles reassuringly, "you have to eat something. Some fruit maybe?"

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