Scents and Sounds

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It is past midnight when she makes her way down to the Undercroft. Ominis is waiting for her, reading over a book on magical creatures. She sees a detailed illustration of a quintaped which he studies with the tip of his wand.


He puts the book away, standing up to meet her.

"You found something," it isn't a question but a statement. He is so attuned to her voice he can tell so many nuanced intentions and emotions in it.

"Yes," she breathes out, "a Graphorn! And not just any Graphorn! Howin caught the Lord of the Shore!"

"Wait... isn't that..."

"My Graphorn friend! Yes! Ominis, I have an idea-"

His hand shoots out suddenly to grab her by the arm and he drags her closer to him. The motion is almost... snakelike.


His face presses into her hair and she freezes as he inhales, his long fingers tightening on her shoulders.

"I can smell someone else on you."

Of course, he would. It was stupid to forget about how sharp his other senses are in the absence of sight.


"It's that Beauxbatons, isn't it."

"It is."

"... how?"

"He was there. So we're the Durmstrangs. At least their Champion, and someone else. He hid me under his Invisibility cloak after I nearly ran into Olesya."

"I see," his fine nostrils flare as he takes another breath, "the rumour in the halls is that Beauxbatons Champion is very handsome and skilled. There isn't a day I don't hear at least three despondent boys or girls pining after him. He seems to be the favourite to win."

"He certainly is skilled, and given that the first task includes a slew of magical creatures..."

"And is he handsome?"

"He... he is."

Ominis closes his pale unseeing eyes, his thin lips pursing slightly.

"With the Tournament looming you've been away a lot, trailing Howin... helping Sebastian prepare... and spending time with Alexandre. I know you're doing all you can and all you need, but I can't help it. I feel rather... neglected."

Her heart breaks at his tone of voice. So calm, cool and collected, but resigned.

It seems the old doubts about his place in this relationship are rearing their ugly heads.

"Ominis... love, I'm so sorry..." her arms wrap around him as well, bringing him closer. He sighs and rests his chin on top of her head.

"I know we all agreed it's best if I keep my affections to myself while in public, and all of the reasons for it are still valid. I have no intention of changing the arrangement. But... do not forsake me, my love. I know it's hard and you only have so much time in your day, but..."

"No 'buts', Ominis, don't make excuses for me..." she hugs him tighter, absolutely wretched with guilt, "I have been so distracted... and I simply took your presence for granted."

He sighs, his fingers come up to caress her face and neck.

"You know the old saying 'an unused sword will get rusty, an unattended lover will get jealous'? I'm not as explosive as Sebastian, but I feel the sting too. Don't let him get any closer. He is much too close for comfort already."

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