Close and Far

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Chapter 8 audiobook version:

The Thestral-pulled carriages are taking students away as Anna and  Imelda walk back to the gates of the castle, brooms slung over their  shoulders.

Windswept from racing across the Poidsear coast, her  lips are cracked and painful from frost and the air blowing into her  face at high speed.

It also is, she suspects, a consequence of snogging in the cold. Good thing her cheeks are already red.

"Are you staying in the castle for Christmas, Imelda?"

"No,  I'll be going tomorrow. Just wanted to get some flying in, the place  where my family lives is too close to a Muggle village to be able to fly  freely, ugh," the girl grimaces before nudging her with a  sharp elbow, "Sallow had snogged half the girls in school last year, was  he as good as he thinks he is?"

Anna smiles, tugging the scarf higher to cover the quickly reddening face.


"I'm disappointed," her rival-friend rolls her eyes, "you could have the pick of the litter and you choose that rake."

"I'm afraid, the rake chose me first," she deadpans, adjusting the broom on her shoulder.

He  was not the only one, however... but she has no idea how Imelda might  react. How any of the people around her might react. This is... not  something that is talked about.

Sharp seemed amused last night...  but she could imagine the gruff Auror had seen a thing or two in his  day. But the more conventionally-minded would absolutely brand her a  whore. Merlin and Morgana, her family would disown her on the spot.

"And  what was Grace talking about this morning?" Imelda scratches her  windswept hair, "she wouldn't shut up about you and Gaunt."


"I  think you're far too kind to be giving up your very limited dancing  time to other friends just to be polite," Imelda shrugs, "you're no  Hufflepuff, I know you have a bite to you. Should have just told him to  sod off."

"Hah-ha... I thought you didn't like Sebastian."

"I don't. But I suppose he must have some redeeming qualities to get your attention, whatever those may be."

As  they close on the doors of the Bell Tower - so close to the gardens,  Anna feels the heat of arousal and shame - she sees two boys loitering  near the entrance. Imelda groans as they come into view, the emerald  trim on their warm winter robes glinting in the pale winter sun.

"Merlin's hairy balls, you look like a lost Cruppy, Sallow."

"Nice  to see you too, Imelda," Sebastian's sneer bares his canines, "do crawl  back to whatever hole you came out of at your earliest convenience."

Ominis  shakes his head with a forlorn smile as Imelda stomps past him sitting  on the stone steps. The would-be Slytherin Quidditch captain makes sure  to swoop by so close to Sebastian he has to duck to avoid being  clobbered by the end of her broom.

"Merlin, how do you  stand to talk to her, let alone be friendly with her?" Sebastian shakes  off some sand that fell down on him from the end of Imelda's broom.

"She's a good sport once you get her respect," she shrugs.

"Something  our dear old Sebastian never could achieve in the five years of knowing  her," Ominis' voice is amused as his friend nudges him with the toe of  his shoe in annoyance.

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