Unicorns and Serpents

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Anna looks over the new timetable. The day is mostly filled with double periods now, the classes clearly becoming more intensive and deep. A good number of breaks, though, which were previously filled with subjects like History of Magic.

She has a feeling she'll need those to stay on top of her coursework, however.

The first period after breakfast is the Care of Magical Creatures. She ended up taking Sebastian's advice on that, amazingly enough. Sometimes he has good ideas after all. She chuckles into her tea.

That was unkind of her, but... well. He is the more reckless of the three of them. Do first, think later is his modus operandi.

She isn't sure how many of her classmates would end up continuing their studies on the subject, but she is confident in one thing - Poppy will be among them.

Anna stretches and downs the rest of her tea, picks up a biscuit to nibble on while on the way to the castle grounds and gets up from the bench. Poppy is already waiting by the double doors and waves at her.

"Are you ready for the first NEWT-level Care of Magical Creatures class? Oh, I'm so excited!" She beams and loops her arm around Anna's elbow.

"Sure am! What do you think we'll be studying?"

"I have not the faintest, but oh there are so many creatures I'd love to learn about!"

They continue guessing as they are walking down to the creature pens. To her surprise, she sees a Beauxbatons boy talking with professor Howin. There do not seem to be many other students who chose to continue the class, a Hufflepuff boy and a Gryffindor girl she didn't speak much with before, and a single sulky Durmstrang.

The Beauxbatons boy, though... it was the one from yesterday. When Howin turns to greet them, he looks over as well. Poppy peels off from her to talk to the professor, but Anna looks at the boy. Tall, with dark auburn hair and grey eyes that catch the light in a most beautiful way, he looks stunning in his fitted blue robes.

 Tall, with dark auburn hair and grey eyes that catch the light in a most beautiful way, he looks stunning in his fitted blue robes

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"Bonjour, mademoiselle," he smiles, clearly recognising her.

"Oh... good morning," she smiles back, suddenly realising they never introduced themselves.

"I'm so-"

"I just re-"

Their words collide and they laugh in embarrassment. He gestures for her to go ahead with a polite nod.

"I was going to say that... I just realised I never got your name."

"And I yours," he bows elegantly, "Alexandre Oreison."

"Anna Visconti," she responds with a small curtsy.

She looks over at the creature pens, seeing that a large shallow pool has been created in the nearby field, and spies a water horse inside - a hippocampus, a distant relative of the infamous kelpie.

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