Owls and Larks

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"You wanted to see me, professor?"

Anna shifts nervously from side to side in front of Sharp's desk. The man sighs, looking up from his papers.

"Professor Hecat, as the head of your House, had asked me to have this talk with you. I understand your aim is to become an Auror once you graduate."


"Yes, sir."

"I see. As you well know, I used to be one. I needn't remind you that line of work is incredibly dangerous."

"I understand that."

"There are many other careers you can pursue, ones that do not put your life at risk on a weekly basis."

"I am aware."

"You are exceedingly good in Care of Magical Creatures and Herbology. Add to that the skill you display in my class, and you could become an excellent potioneer. Open your own shop. I dare say you'd run Pippin out of town in months if you wanted to."

"I could."

"But you are not going to," Sharp finishes with a scowl, "stubborn as you are, no doubt you already have your heart and mind set on it."

She smiles.

"Yes, sir."

"Well, then. My recommendation to you would be to take particular care during the Potions exam, Defense Against the Dark Arts exam - I hear you already are a top student of professor Hecat, but don't get complacent - Charms, Transfiguration and Herbology. And, when you do become an Auror... prepare a will, and make sure you take precautions to protect your loved ones because your enemies will come for them."

Anna swallows at such a grim warming but nods.

"I understand."

"That will be all," Sharp turns back to the papers, a quill back in his hand.

She leaves the classroom quickly, her ears ringing.

"What did he want?" Sebastian waited for her in the Central Hall while she went on to meet with Sharp. His hand casually intertwines with hers, and they walk hand in hand to the Astronomy class.

A few students shoot them curious glances, but it has long been rumoured they were together, and most people don't bat an eye.

"Trying to warn me against becoming an Auror. Then told me to... prepare a will when I become one."


"And also that my loved ones will be in danger if I go down this path. After seeing what some would do to get to their target, I believe that."

"What do you mean?"

She frowns at the memory.

"Poppy and I stole a Hebridean Black dragon egg from the poachers. They went after her grandmother, thinking she would send the egg there. Broke in, attacked her, ransacked the place."

"I'm sorry, what?!"

"Right. I... didn't tell you that."

"You stole a dragon egg?!"

"Not so loud!" She hisses, covering his mouth with her free hand.

Sebastian stares at her, eyes wide.

"I think Sharp underestimates you. What in Merlin's name are you going to do if you don't become an Auror? Life would be boring for you."

She laughs as they begin the ascent up the spiral staircase. With only a week to go before OWLs, it would be one of her last Astronomy classes, as she has no particular interest in continuing the discipline at the N.E.W.T. level, much to Amit's disappointment. He still let her keep the telescope, though.

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