Chapter 3

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Sid took his diary and sat on his study table. This diary was only one with whom could share his darkest secrets as he didn't have any fear of getting judged or loosing it. Otherwise whosever he tried telling didn't believe him. So at the end he stopped telling anyone. Burrying his miseries deep inside his heart. But then he started telling everything to this diary.

March 23, 2023


Dear Diary,

Here I am again back as a looser. I already knew this was gonna happen. I knew the girl was going to fall from those stairs and fight between her life and death and won't be able to make it. But I couldn't even save her. I am such a big looser. Inspite of being well aware of everything, I couldn't save her.

I know it's not first time. It's happening since long. But I can't forgive myself. I am such a big loser. I saw that girl falling from stairs and dying because of head injury in my dream three days ago. But I still couldn't do anything to save her. If I had told anyone no one would have believed me like before.

What is the point of even knowing anything before when I can't even stop anything? Why am I the only one different from others? Why can't I be normal like them?

I want answers to these questions. But no one gives me answers. Can you give my answers diary?

You know diary today dad raised his hand on me. Because of that lady. He can move on. He can get married. He can accept someone else his wife. He can give someone's place to my mother. But I can't. I can't accept someone else as my mother. I can't replace anyone else with my mother. I can't give my place to anyone else.

From the time, he has brought that lady home, I hate him and his so called wife. He thinks I am disrespectful and disappointing son. I might sound selfish but I only had one mother and he expect that I move on and accept someone else as my mother and give the same love and respect to her. Then I can't do that. Even if he hates me, beats me, curses me. He can do whatever he wishes to. But no I won't do what he wants.

I am loosing myself each day. I don't want to get those dreams. People struggle to sleep. I struggle to be awake whole night. But I can't even be successful in that. Such a looser I am right. *He lets out a tearful chuckle. A tear left his eye and felt on his diary.*

I end up sleeping each night inspite of trying hard. And again I see some dream which I don't wish to.

I am such a coward that I can't even end this life which just has miseries. No one will even care if I die. But I can't even kill myself. I don't have courage to face mum after that. What will I answer her? How will I even look at her? Won't she be ashamed of me?

So I have to live this life even if I don't wish to. I don't have any other option.

He closed his diary. He moved his specs up on his head and wiped his tears. He tried a lot to not sleep just like every night he makes efforts. There was a lot he used to do to keep himself busy. Painting, reading books, studying but all in vain. He ended up sleeping again to again see some future happening.

To be continued

I know you all must have guessed but the man and lady who live with Sid are his biological father and step mother. They are just some imaginary characters. I am naming them as Ishan Nigam and Riya Nigam. I am not giving any face to them. You can imagine them as anyone you wish to. You kind of know their character now so you can imagine accordingly.

Stay tuned for next chapter

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