Chapter 65

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All the students quickly went to their rooms and checked if they had collected everything or not. Some of them decided to change into something comfortable as it was a long way and night's journey and they probably would go back sleeping only as they all were hell tired by now. They all gathered in dining hall as instructed by the teachers because none of them wished to get scolded at the last part of trip and spoil the whole trip altogether.

Teachers were extremely worried after the incident. College authorities or parents anyone could have taken action against them. If anything would have happened to the girl, their job could have gone.

They had dinner quickly. Everyone was busy with themselves. Some were informing their parents they were about to leave.

Sid was still thinking about the incident. Avu was also thinking about whatever happened especially about Sid's behavior. The whole group was noticing them as they were way too quite specifically Avu. They tried asking Avu if everything was alright. She just dodged their questions.

Teacher who had gone to hospital with Ashi reached back.

Teacher: Everyone ready?

Students: Yes ma'am

Teacher: Dinner, luggage? Everything done?

Students: Yes

Mallika: Ma'am is Aisha alright?

Teacher: Don't worry students she is alright. Doctor has checked her carefully and their is no problem. We don't need to worry. You all can be tension free. Okk?

Mallika: Great

Teacher: Ya. So can we leave now? I hope everything is done. Right?

Students: Yes ma'am

Teacher: So one of collect all the keys. Count them. See if any of them missing. Check whose it was and ask that person. Then submit on reception. And everyone else. Keys submit karte jaoo and sit in bus. We wil count if everyone is here or not and then we will leave. Make it quick. We need to leave at the soonest. Got it? Am I clear?

All the students again replied positively.

Teacher: And I hope each one of you has locked their respective rooms. If not, please immediately go and do so

There were one or two students came without locking. Teacher glared them for being irresponsible. They quickly went and locked.

Teacher: If anyone needs to use washroom. Do if before sitting in bus. Once you entered, I won't let you leave at any cost

They followed teacher's instructions carefully and collected the keys. Everyone settled in bus. One of them counted the students and all were there fortunately. They started their return journey to college. Students did chit chat for sometime but then everyone eventually slept as they all were really exhausted.

Sid was trying to stay awake as he didn't want to see another nightmare. He was struggling to keep his eyes open. Once again he was here fighting his biggest fear i.e. sleep. While Avu was sitting in another line looking outside. She couldn't get her questions she had out of her mind. These questions were really making her restless. But she didn't know how was she gonna ask them to Sid. But there was no other person who could answer them instead of Sid.

To be continued

Stay tuned for next chapter

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