Chapter 8

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Sid got ready for his college but his mind was stuck on dream he saw. He was feeling how can his father be so cruel to kick him out of the home. His father definitely loved him. But then he thought maybe now his love is his only for his wife and all he cares for is his happiness. He sighed. He took his bag and went downstairs. Riya was busy in his daily chores. She just thought to ask him breakfast for formality sake as she was sure he was gonna refuse and leave. She can have her breakfast comfortably with her husband.

Riya: Good morning Siddharth

Sid didn't listen to her as he was just thinking about his dream.

Riya: Siddharth

She called again. This time he heard but choose to ignore as he didn't want to spoil his mood more.

Riya: Siddharth bacha have breakfast

Sid sighed.

Sid: (sternly) I don't want anything

Riya: Just have a little

Sid didn't reply as he knew if he spoke he might loose his calm.

Riya: You will fall sick Siddharth

Sid: How many times should I tell you that you are not my mother and don't try to act like one? If you don't care, you don't have to fucking show it. I just don't want your fake care

He shouted at her. Ishaan was coming from his room and heard everything.

Ishaan: (shouted) Siddharth

Sid and Riya shivered listening to him and turned towards him. Riya was somewhere happy seeing Ishaan seeing his behavior. She pressed her nails in her palms to bring out tears from her eyes to put fire on his anger. Sid again looked away from him. Ishaan furiously came towards Sid. He held Sid's arm and forced him to look at himself. Sid just faced another side not making any eye contact.

Riya: Ishaan...

Ishaan cut her her showing his hand. His eyes showed how angry he was.

Ishaan: What kind of behavior is this hnn? In which language will you understand that she is elder than you. You need to respect her. And what kind of language are you using? What kind of tone are you using? You are literally shouting on her. Is this what I have taught you? And you are so proud of your mother right? So this is what she had taught you?

He was speaking everything in normal yet cold tone but shouted the last line loudly. Sid finally looked at him with teary eyes. This was after so long that his father brought up his mother. Ishaan had stopped talking about his first wife since a long back. She was just his past whom he didn't wish to remember anymore.

Riya: Ishaan let it be na please

Ishaan: No Riya not today. He is crossing every limit day by day. I am being way too lenient with him. I am looking over his behavior since long. I need to give him a nice treatment so he knows how to behave. You want to say something Siddharth

Sid didn't say a single word. Ishaan waited for few moments.

Ishaan: All right then. I am sending you in boarding. They will see what to do with you. They can mend your behavior and teach you some etiquettes because it is getting out of my hands now. They can use their way. I can't let you keep behaving like this and grow up as a mannerless boy

Sid sighed as another of his dream came true. Once again he couldn't do anything even after knowing it beforehand. He felt so helpless.

Riya was so happy now. She can have a peaceful life. Just her and her husband. No outsider that is Sid according to her. She could have a happy life now.

Ishaan: If you want you can go to college in case you have to meet your friends. If you don't want to completely fine. You can stay at home. I will get all your certificates. Your wish

There was no point or need of going to college now but Sid still choosed to go as it was better than staying whole day with Riya under same room. That would have been suffocating for both. So he just took his bag and went for college.

Ishaan: Siddharth

He called from behind and Sid stopped and turned around.

Ishaan: Either have breakfast or pack it in a tiffin and take with you

Sid: I don't need

He said monotonously.

Ishaan: I didn't ask you Siddharth. I told you to do it. So do it

He said sternly. Sid nodded and quitely took his tiffin from kitchen and took breakfast.

Ishaan: And do finish it

Sid again just nodded.

Ishaan: Now I will see how you don't listen you others or disrespect them from now on

Sid didn't say anything just left for college.

To be continued

Stay tuned for next chapter

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