Chapter 95

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Avu: Siddharth

She spoke up in a low tone once he had finally calmed down after his violent break down. He was just staring down while his hands were in hers. He didn't reply to her just nodded his head. She wetted her lips to gather the courage to speak further.

Avu: Look. I know I promised you but this problem is something very unique. But I have promised you so I definitely will help. Trust me please

Sid: How?

He asked in a vulnerable and broken voice.

Sid: How will you? You yourself said you neither listened about it ever nor have a solution to it. So how?

Avu: See maybe I can't but there is someone who might help you

She said trying to not make an eye contact with him. He stood up with a jerk making her also stand immediately.

Sid: I appreciate you are trying to help me and thank you so much for your precious time and energy. But I am not left with any more courage to share it with someone. I think I should leave now. I am just wasting your time now and I am sure neither of us would like that

He said looking away from her.

Avu: Siddharth listen. I am not asking you to tell some random person about it. Please. It's just someone you know. You are quite close to

Sid looked at her confusingly. After few moments, Sid was sitting down on floor with his head burried in his knees. Abhi was sitting on bed and Avu was making coffee for them. The whole room was really silent. That was the time when Sid realized what his recent dream was about. He just shut his eyes tightly. Then Abhi decided to break the silence.

Abhi: Will any of you speak up?

Avu came with a tray with three cups of coffee. She handed one to Abhi and kept hers on table. She took one cup and walked towards Sid. She patted his shoulder and he looked up. She forwarded the cup towards him and took it without saying anything. Abhi was observing the two of them while sipping on his hot coffee. Avu took her cup and sat on a chair.

Abhi: Okk so now please do the honors of telling me what is wrong? Avni? Siddharth? Anyone? Please

Avu: Bhayia it's about Siddharth. He has some problem and he needs to discuss it with you and want a solution which probably all of us can find by thinking and discussing

Abhi: Okk. So tell me Siddharth. What is it bro?

Sid sighed. He looked at Avu like trying to convey he won't be able to speak about all those haunted moments and memories once again. Avu nodded.

Avu: Do you want me to share about it?

He nodded slightly.

Avu: Okk

Abhi: Okk you guys are literally scaring me now. What the hell is it? Is it something serious?

Avu: Actually it is serious

Abhi: Umm alright. Tell me then

Avu nodded.

Avu: I will but promise me you won't interrupt or judge before I complete

Abhi: Okk

Avu started telling everything that Sid had shared with her while taking glances of him time to time. He didn't want to hear all that but his condition was better than the time he had told her. Abhi was also as shocked as Avu as she got to know about it first time. Sid was scared waiting to see what Abhi would say and how would he react. He could not afford to lose him. He won't accept but he had definitely established a bond with Abhi. He felt safe, secured, loved and wanted whenever he was around Abhi.

To be continued

Stay tuned for next chapter

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