Chapter 64

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Sid leaned backside and sat with his head resting the back of seat. He closed his eyes trying to relax himself but his mind was still revolving somewhere else only.

Sid's P.O.V.

This was what I was scared of from so many days. That day I saw that girl drowning in lake as it happened today in reality. I was so afraid for whosoever she is. I don't know her personally though but seeing someone so near to death could scare anyone. I woke up that day and couldn't see further in dream. That's why I was so lost all these days making everyone worried for me. Which I never wanted.

They all were so excited for this trip and I wanted them to enjoy it to the fullest. And secondly I had no answers to their questions. How could I tell anyone what I was going through. I know they will also not believe me and most probably leave me if I tell them about all this. And I would be again left alone once again. So I was trying to hide my feelings.

I don't know till when I could hide this curse of mine from all of them. Maybe they would come to know about it soon and I would be alone again but till then I want to enjoy their company. I also wish to experience being with someone.

Since the day I saw such a horrendous dream that day after so much time, I was scared for that girl. As my feelings became so noticeable, I was scared my secret will open up. I got scared of loosing everyone. And today whe I saw itinerary, I was again worried. Inspite of knowing I can't do anything, I am such a worthless, hopeless fellow, I tried requesting teachers but I failed.

I got so scared seeing that girl today in that condition that my face probably would have got discolored. I might have been filled with a lot of sweat. All those feelings again came to me. Fear, worthlessness of not being able to save her inspite of knowing her. My eyes were covered with darkness. I couldn't bare her condition. I thought she won't survive and I again got something to blame myself. One more incident proving I am good for nothing.

My body started trembling and I couldn't walk further. My vision was getting blurry because of tears in my eyes. Somehow I saw a bench and sat on it with wobbly legs. I was trying hide my face so that no one sees my tears as it wasn't possible to stop them. More I tried the more they came. They were continuously rolling down my eyes.

I sat there for sometime and felt a hand on my shoulder. I felt so nervous who saw me in this condition. As I looked up it was her. Avneet. I somewhere felt relieved it was her and not someone else. She told me that girl was alright. Firstly I thought she was either teasing me or just saying to calm me but her face told something else and I was relieved for some moments.

But then I remembered anyone would question me seeing like this and she is Avneet Kaur. She can't keep her mouth shut even when there is nothing to speak. So I was waiting for her to shoot her questions at me. But to my surprise she didn't. She just asked me to wash my face and we need to leave. Maybe she thought I am too sensitive and I got worried seeing that girl in such a condition. Well fortunately I am again saved then.

P.O.V. ends

His trail of thoughts was broken by a tap on his shoulder. He looked up it was Rohan.

Rohan: We reached Siddharth. Let's get down

Sid looked around and realized they were at the hotel. They reached while he was thinking all this. The whole way he was so lost in his thoughts that he wasn't even aware when they arrived at their destination. He looked back at Rohan and nodded. They all hopped down the bus.

To be continued

Stay tuned for next chapter

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