Chapter 5

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Sid reached college. There was still sometime for class. Students were talking to their friends. Some were studying utilizing their time. Sid quitely went to his class not paying any attention to anyone. They used to have morning assembly every alternative day. The teacher came and they all went for assembly. Everything was normal. There was morning prayer and important announcements. Finally the principal came on stage for addressing the college. She started her usual speech. Most of the students were yawning, some were whispering, etc. etc. Counsel members on duty were asking all the students to stand quitely and listen carefully or they will snatch the Id cards. But as if anyone cared.

Principal: So students as you all know a very serious accident took place yesterday

This caught everyone's attention especially Sid's. He crossed his fingers praying to God what he knew came out to be a lie. His forhead was sweating badly. Although he knew it was not gonna happen but still he was praying that by any chance God listens to him.

Principal: If anyone is not aware of what I am talking about Nikita Verma (that's just a random name) of BA Final Year from our college, she slipped from stairs and got very serious injury yesterday. She was taken to hospital immediately. I know all of us prayed for her safety and I am sure most of you must have got the news. So it's so sad to announce that she passed away last night in the hospital itself

Sid didn't have the courage to listen anymore. Hw shut his eyes tightly. He folded his hands in fists and pricked his nails in his palms to control that inner pain inside him. No he didn't know the girl personally or had any relationship with her. It was just his guilt and anger on himself that being aware of the very fact he couldn't save her. His ears got shut to whatever was going outside.

Principal: A very bright child of our college. It's so sad to see her passing away at such a small age. My hearfelt condolences to her family and friends on behalf of the whole college and may God give them strength to bare this pain. Let's join our hands and observe silence for two minutes to pray for the peace of the departed soul

Everyone got completely silent. There was no voice outside but there was definitely a storm going on inside him which was increasing each second. He had pricked his nails so hard in his hands that his skin pierced and led to bleeding. As soon as the assembly got over, he ran to the washroom. He cried and cried.

Sid: (mumbling) You are a looser Siddharth. A fucking looser. You are useless. No harm or pain will come to anyone even if you die

His eyes were red, nose was puffy because of excessive crying. He needed the physical pain to stop the mental one. But his blade was at home. So he took out the compass from his pocket. He always used to keep something to harm him especially on days he was well aware something like this is gonna happen. He rolled up the sleeves of his tee and started cutting his skin. He engraved the word "LOOSER" on his arm. He was looking at it carefully through his teary hazel brown eyes. He caressed the word when blood dried up and closed his eyes letting go of the last few tears. He sighed and opened his sleeve and went outside. He washed his face and left for his class.

Sid's P.O.V.

You are a looser Siddharth. Such a big looser. Neither I could do anything at that time. Nor I could do anything now. Nor I would be able to in future. If God has given me this unique ability, he must have done for a purpose. And you can't even do anything purposeful out of it. I am such a disappointment to everyone.

P.O.V. ends

To be continued

Stay tuned for next chapter

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