Chapter 37

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Abhi turned towards Sid. He was still facing downwards. Abhi took out his handkerchief and forwarded it towards Sid. Sid took it quitely and started wiping of his face. But he was still looking down lost in his own thoughts.

Abhi: Hey chill buddy. You are safe now. They won't do anything. And I don't know you like me or not and the reason for that as I never said or did anything wrong with you since you came here. But it's okk that's completely fine. It's your choice. But trust me I don't have any problem with you and if you need my help ever. If anyone troubles you again you can tell me. I won't ever refuse you I promise. Don't worry about anything. You can go for the lecture now. Take care

Abhi was about to leave but Sid stopped him by holding his wrist. Abhi was a bit shocked by his action. He first looked at their hands and then at his face.

Abhi: Hey I am really sorry if you didn't like helping me. I just thought you are in trouble and....

Sid cut him by shooking his head. He left his hand.

Sid: No. Please don't

He said meekly.

Sid: In fact I am extremely sorry for my behavior. I know how badly I behaved with you since beginning. And honestly I don't behave like that intentionally or I don't enjoy doing all that. It's just that umm it just happens. But I know it's not the justification. I shouldn't have behaved like that and I am really sorry for that. And thank you so much. Had you not been here I don't know what they would have done with me. So thank you. In spite of my behavior with you, you still helped me. I know I don't deserve it but still you did. I can't thank you enough for that

He said in slow and stuttering voice. His eyes were wet with tears and he was looking down out of shame. Abhi smiled widely at his words.

Abhi: Hey it's fine dude. Just chill. As I told I don't have any grudges against you. I don't like holding against anyone in fact and I was never angry at you to forgive. I understand maybe you take time to get comfortable or any reason could be there. And I understand. You might have your own reasons for your behavior and I am not at all angry. So you don't have to be sorry

Sid: But still I apologize

Abhi: Okk if you want to apologize then I can forgive you at one condition

Sid: What?

He looked at him questioningly. He thought he would ask him to do some work but instead he forward his hand.

Abhi: Be my friend?

Sid was not expecting it. He looked at his hand for a second thinking about it and then looked at his face. He was in dilemma what to do. Abhi dropped his hands.

Abhi: It's okk. You don't have to trouble yourself. I am fine with it if you don't wanna be friends. But still if you need anything feel free to ask

Sid made up his mind. His hand was shivering but he slowly forwarded it and held Abhi's hand.

Sid: Friends

He nodded with a small smile anf teary eyes. Abhi smiled at him and shook his hand. He excitedly pulled him in a hug.

Abhi: I am so happy to get a new friend

But Sid didn't hug him back and Abhi thought he must be uncomfortable and immediately broke the hug.

Abhi: Hey I am so sorry. It's just that I got excited. I hope you didn't mind

Sid: It's okk

Actually he felt really comfortable, relaxed and safe in his arms. He didn't himself know why but he liked the feeling. But this was the feeling he was scared of. But for now he let it be for the first time. He thought Abhi would feel bad so he didn't say anything. But the real reason was that deep inside he wanted this feeling. This comfort. His safe place and he found it. But was not ready to accept yet.

To be continued

One of the most awaited chapter. Not only for you guys but also for me.

Sidshek became friends. Sid found his first friend.

Stay tuned for next chapter

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