Chapter 24

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It started raining and both got wer with water. Clouds were making loud noises. Suddenly the realization stuck him. What did he do just now? He broke the hug with a jerk and turned his face away. He was not able to meet eyes with her. He felt tears on his cheeks. His hand moved towards his face and wiped the tear out of the raindrops. He looked the the tear on his finger. He closed his eyes thinking what just happened. He cried in front of someone. Not just cried but cried in her arms. He couldn't deny that it did help him. He did feel light. Sometimes when you are in some problem and don't know what to do, all you need is share your pain with someone, cry out in front of someone. You don't even need an advice or help. Just that someone patiently listens whatever you have to see with any kind of judgement. He got this secure feeling for the first time after his mother's death.

But how could he trust someone so easily? After so much is it so easy to just to move on and be like a normal person like nothing happened. Same was with him. He couldn't trust someone and be normal. Even if his heart did trust her, his mind was denying and warning him again and again that she will also eventually leave him like everyone did in his life and all he would left with is his tears and pain.

Avu decided to break this silence and comfort him. She moved her hand forward and kept on his shoulder.

Avu: Siddha...

He cut her by getting up with jerk and her hand also felt down from his shoulder. He was about to go back but she quickly stood up and held his hand. She knew something was seriously wrong with him. And right now after this break out, his mind was highly unstable and he could take any wrong step. And out of humanity, she could not let him do anything like that even after being totally aware of his state. She didn't have any feelings, it just a normal person's tendency. Yes many of us might not really care and choose to mind our own buisness. But yes if such people exist, there are even more who can't see someone in pain.

And after knowing and clearly being able to see what he was going through she couldn't just leave him alone like that. Another reason is he trusted her, even if unknowingly. He did trust her enough to show his weak side and now she could not break that trust of his.

Sid tried to make her leave his hand. But her hold was tight enough.

Sid: Leave my hand

She didn't say anything just keep holding his hand tightly.

Sid: I said leave me

He said turning around. She was again quite. Just looking into his eyes trying to read his emotions.

Sid: Leave. Me

He said in a bit loud voice and stressing each word separately. He was looking at her eyes with anger. She shooked her head slowly not breaking the eye contact. Sid shut his eyes tightly not wanting to hurt physically. No matter how much rude or disrespectful he might be, he never hurted anyone physically except his own self of course. He took a deep breath and opened his eyes.

Sid: What you want?

Avu: Sid I understand you have some problem. In fact everyone of us has one or the other problem. And it's ok

Sid: See I don't need any of your advices. Please just leave me alone. Leave me on my hand. And you know I have a problem right? I know what to do with it so please stop interfering in my life

Avu: Siddharth please calm down I am just trying to help you

Sid: What help? When my own father is not willing to help me out of my problem, he is busy with his second wife not giving a fuck about me, what the hell can you do then?

Avu's mouth was wide open and her grip on his hand started loosing.

Sid: And what you want? I met you just now and you want me to share my whole life with you? When I couldn't share with my biological father, how can I do with a stranger. Leave him, I couldn't tell the pain I am suffering from to my mother when she was alive. She was my whole life. I trusted her more than myself. But I couldn't tell her. So how do you expect me tell you each and everything about my life?

Avu was just standing there processing everything. Sid just gave her a last look and left from there.

To be continued

Stay tuned for next chapter

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