Chapter 83

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After crying out and sharing his pain completely, he was sitting silently in front of her on ground only. He had hugged his knees near his chest and was looking down. He was just continously staring at ground nothing in particular. He didn't know how to feel now. He was devoid of every emotion by now. He was not crying anymore. He was neither happy nor sad. He was himself completely unaware of how to feel and what to do.

Avu was sitting in front of him with the support of wall. She was also not speaking a word just gazing him without any interruption. Her gaze felt on his wounds, some fresh, some old. She stood up and saw here and there. She opened his drawers. The noise did catch his attention but he didn't have the energy to ask her what she wanted or stop her from anything. So he just ignored. She found what she was trying to find. She brought his medicine box and sat back on the same place.

She treated his fresh wounds. He hissed in pain as she touched them. She stopped for a moment and looked at his innocent face which was growling in pain. She felt from inside what could have this poor boy done to get so much suffering in return. She sighed and ignored it for now and got back to treating his wounds.

After she was done

Sid: Can I have some alone time?

He spoke up finally looking at her bandaged wounds.

Avu: Huh?

Sid: Can you please go? I need some time with myself

He spoke out in a low voice. She was not sure what to say but nonetheless nodded her head. She stood up and walked towards the door slowly. Sid also stood up and followed her without a word. She stopped and the door and turned towards him. She wanted to say something but herself didn't know what. She gathered a few words and spoke up.

Avu: Please take care of yourself

He just nodded.

Avu: And I hope you know that in case you need anything, you can ask me anytime. And Siddharth trust me, I had no bad intentions in coming here and looking at your stuff. I have no interest in intervening in your private stuff. I am extremely sorry if you felt like that in any way or you know any of my behavior hurted you. I am really really sorry for that. I just wanted to help you. To solve your problem. Nothing else

Sid: Okk

Avu nodded. She looked at him for one last time before turning away to leave. Sid was about to shut the door but she turned back and spoke again.

Avu: And one last thing

She waited for him to speak something just to see he was not getting angry or frustrated.

Sid: What? Please go ahead and say quickly

Avu: Oh yaa. Please do come for dinner

She spoke slowly more like begged because she just wanted to see him and assure herself he was alright.

Sid: I am not hungry

He closed the door before she should say anything. She sighed and raised her hand to tap again on the door but lowered her hand back. She started walking away looking back again and again battling between should she go back to him or leave him on his own but her feet didn't stop and she left.

To be continued

Stay tuned for next chapter

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