Chapter 10

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Sid cried his heart out.

Sid's P.O.V.

I don't even know why the hell am I crying. It's good that I don't have to stay with them any longer. I to always wished to live away from them. So now why it's hurting so much. Maybe because of mom. After her marriage, she always lived here. I just have memories with her in this place. Even in her last days she was here. I never went away from this house or memories ever. Maybe that's why I am feeling bad. I will just get used to it in sometime. It's good for me that I am going away from these people.

P.O.V. ends

Though Sid thought his mother's memories are reason for his sadness. But deep down, he was hurt. Hurt by his father's behavior. But of course he was never gonna accept the fact. He somehow got up and wrote his diary. He wrote whatever he was feeling. He put down all his feelings and shut down his diary. He got up and took out his guitar which he kept away after his mother's death. He never played it because his mother gifted it to him and even looking at it used to remind him of his mother. So he just kept it somewhere away from his sight. But today he felt like he needed it.

So he took his guitar and sat in balcony. He was playing the guitar and singing. Tears were rolling down his eyes as his mother's memories once again started crossing his mind. He finished the song and looked up in sky through his tears.

Sid: I miss you mom. I miss you so much. Please come back

He said the last line as mere whisper as he was also aware it is not possible. He sighed and went back. He took his novels to read wishing not to fall asleep but of course he did soon.

A girl was walking with Sid. Sid was getting irritated by her presence. So he finally stopped and turned towards her. She also stopped.

Sid: I told you to stay away from me. Why are you after me?

Girl looked behind him then again at him.

Girl: I am not walking after you. I am to just walking beside you

She said with a sheepish smile. Sid gritted his teeth.

Sid: Whatever you girl. Just stay away from him. I don't need you after me or beside me. Just stay away from me

Girl rolled her eyes.

Girl: As if I am interested in you or coming with you out of my own will. Just go to hell. I am given your responsibility otherwise who the hell will even like to be with you

Sid: Ya ya just leave girl

Girl: I have name Mr. for your kind information

Sid: I don't care. Nor am I gonna meet you after this. So I don't need or wish to know your name or any other detail

Girl: Feelings are mutual. Even I don't wish to see your shitty face ever again after this. Huh!!!

She left stomping her foot in anger.

Sid woke up from his dream. He sighed and think much about the dream as it was not traumatic like usual. He did use to get dreams of normal days as well but that quite rare. He got ready for college and went out.

Ishaan: Siddharth...

Sid: (cuts him) I will have the breakfast

He said monotonously.

Ishaan: That's good but it's not that

Sid turned towards.

Ishaan: You are not going to college from now on

Sid looked at him trying to processing why.

Sid: Are you  even snatching my right to study now?

He saud chuckling sarcastically.

Ishaan: Siddharth I have not taken any of your rights nor do I intend to

He tried to reply as calmly as possible.

Sid: Then?

Ishaan: You just have two days to leave. So you just do your packing and if you need something get it. I will get your TC today anyways. So you don't need to go

Sid didn't say anything as there was no point arguing.

Ishaan: If you wish to bid bye to any of your friends you can go I don't have any problem

He said unaware of the fact that Sid didn't have any friends.

Sid: No I am good

Ishaan: Alright then. But don't blame me later

Sid: I won't

Ishaan nodded.

Ishaan: Come and have breakfast

They settled down on breakfast table.

To be continued

Stay tuned for next chapter

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