Chapter 99

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Sid's counselling sessions started. Initially he was hesitant to open up with one person but eventually she made him enough comfortable that he ended up sharing everything with her starting from his dreams to his relationship with his father and how his personality underwent drastic changes. He displayed his vulnerable side to her that was coated with hard one. Though it didn't happen in first few sessions obviously. It took his counsellor several days or more precisely couple of months but she got the whole picture cleared in front of her. 

On the other hand, Avu was trying to figure out her feelings. She had kind of understood whatever she had been feeling for Sid from sometime was definitely not a mere humanity or sympathy because of whatever he had underwent nor was it a friendly concern but it was something much more. Much more deeper than she had thought. Her feelings had surely grown more than friends. the feelings were beautiful that she wished to experience them, cherish them. 

She was not sure whether she loved him yet or not but she liked him more than a friend that was for sure. But can they be soulmates, was he the one made for her was yet for her to figure out. But she loving this journey of even figuring out his feelings. She was in no rush. She was giving herself the time she needed for her exploration as it was the decision that her life depended on.

While Sid had started talking too his father a bit. He had still not become so open that he could share all his past, problems, insecurities and much more but he was trying. On this journey of mending his relations with his dad, the first time when his counsellor gave him the homework to call up his dad and talk for at least five minutes each day till his next session. Topic of conversation was something she completely left on Sid to decide.  

Sid was annoyed with her was an understatement. He even thought of ditching the next sessions but that was surely not an option as he knew Avu and Abhi would drag him there at any cost. Then he thought to lie to the counsellor that he did talk to his dad. But at last he could not bring himself to any of the getaways. He did not have the courage to lie so he did call him. The first call was difficult. How he wished that his dad did not pick up his call. How he yearned him to be too busy  for his son as always. But deep down he also knew how much he wished to receive his father's love and talking on call would make him only the happiest, he accepts or not. And finally Ishaan did pick up his call. 

Firstly the talks were awkward but slowly it became a routine for Sid and call duration did increase. Ishaan was astonished at first that Sid started calling her daily and not just calling and sitting awkwardly thinking what to speak further and rushing to end the call, Sid actually started sharing his daily routine with Ishaan in a few days. 

After his counselling sessions, Sid actually started accepting Riya as his father's second wife but not as his mother that probably he would never do. But on his counsellor's explanation he did understand that his father also felt loneliness in his life and needed someone in his life.

And now about his dreams. Well they didn't go away but Sid had learnt the ways how to not remember those dreams and not focus on them much. He started realizing that what has to happen will happen no matter what, him being aware of future or not doesn't matter at all. And he can't take the responsibility if everything happening around. Though the realizations didn't come immediately. It took months of counselling and unshattering support from friends like Abhi and Avu whuch he was truely grateful for. It took nearly a year but Sid came out as a changed personality.

To be continued

Stay tuned for next chapter

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