Chapter 62

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A girl from their college had felt in water and was gasping for air. She was at the verge of drowning. Her friends were shouting for help. Sid's face discolored seeing her and his eyes filled with tears.

Sid: I told not to come here. I told

He was mumbling the words continously. Avu snapped at him. Sid ran away from there. Avu wanted to run behind him but she choosed to stay for now and ran towards where students gathered. They were consoling her friends. Just then a life guard came whom someone informed. Teachers also reached. They were really worried now. Every single student here was their responsibility. Parents had trusted them enough to send their children here and they had to assure their safety at any cost.

Life guard came on time and pulled her out. Her friend ran towards her crying.

Friend: Aishaaa

Aisha was coughing badly and tears were rolling down her eyes. Life guard laid her down and pressed her chest so that water could come out. She coughed out water but got unconscious. Teachers also went near her.

Friend: Ashuuu no wake up

Life guard checked her pulse and everything was fine.

Life Guard: Don't worry. She just lost a lots of energy. That's why. She will be fine soon. For more assurance you can get her checked, hospital is quite close from here. But she is fine. Nothing to worry. And everyone kindly move away. Let her get some fresh air. Don't create crowd

Teacher: We are taking her to hospital. Everyone leave for hotel. We have dinner. Then we need to check out. I hope each one of you submitted your luggage in the morning itself. It's already loaded in bus. Still go and check your rooms properly once. If anything is left, take it. Am I clear?

Students: Yes ma'am

Everyone quitely cooperated as they could clearly understand the seriousness.

Teacher: Make sure no nuisance is created. No stupidity will be tolerated. And may I know how the hell this happened? How did she fell there?

She asked Aisha's friend who was already crying.

Friend: We all were clicking pictures on that rock near the lake. Suddenly her foot got twisted and she felt inside. And she doesn't know how to swim

Teacher: Great. Can't you all behave a bit sensibly? Anything could have happened. Who was responsible then hnn? You people are grown ups now and you are so I don't know what to say. You come with me to hospital now

Friend nodded slowly. They took her to hospital. Students started going towards the bus talking with each other. Some were too shocked to speak anything. Many were extremely scared by the incident. Avu ran towards the side where Sid went. She saw Sid sitting on a bench and shivering. He was having tears in his eyes. Avu was extremely shocked to see his condition. She really didn't know what happened to him and how to react on his condition.

To be continued

Stay tuned for next chapter

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