Chapter 38

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Abhi: You must be getting late for the lecture. You should go

Sid: Actually half of the lecture is already over. So teacher won't let me in

Abhi: Oh ya. But I have some work. One of my teacher called me. So I gotta go. I hope you are okk with it

Sid nodded.

Abhi: Okk then buddy. See ya around. And now don't be afraid of anyone. Koi tang kare to take my name. Ok?

Sid again just nodded.

Sid: Thanks once again umm bhayia? If I could call you that? I mean if you don't mind. If you don't want, you can just tell me what to call you. I will call that. I just thought you are elder than me so I should not be calling you by name. So

He said in a low voice slowly while looking down. Abhi chuckled at him. He kept a hand on his shoulder.

Abhi: Itni tension matt lo yrr. You can call me anything you like and ya I am comfortable with bhayia as well. If you want yes of course you can call me that. Just chill

Sid: Okk bhayia. Thanks a lot for helping. You must be getting late

Abhi: Ek to bhayia upar se thanks. Woahh bro. That's okk. That was my duty and now to we are friends. So you don't have to worry about all this. Just chill. And ya I am getting late. Teacher must be angry. I must go now. Bye

He quickly left while Sid was just looking at his retreating figure and thinking about the incident that just took place now. He checked the time. He was quite late for current lecture. If he went now, teacher would definitely scold him and yes he didn't want that. More than that he didn't want the attention from whole class he would get. He didn't want to go to cafeteria as well as it was quite early and he wasn't even hungry.

So he decided to go to library and read something. He walked towards the college library. On the way, he went inside the washroom and splashed water on his face and washed it properly. He took out the handkerchief to wipe of the water from his face and hands. It was Abhi's handkerchief which he gave him. Seeing that, he remembered the incident and unknowingly a smile came on his face remembering how Abhi saved him.

His eyes got teary as he experienced someone's care after such a long time. No doubt his father did care for him but wasn't ever able to show or wasn't able to make his son understand this through his actions. Caring for someone is not just said. You have to show is through actions which his father miserably failed to do. So this incident might be very small or probably if no importance to someone but definitely for Sid, it meant a lot.

Sid: Oh shit. Bhayia forgot his handkerchief. No problem. It's dirty so I will wash it and return it to bhayia

He left for library and took a book. He started reading and found it interesting but soon his thoughts went towards Abhi again. He was still stuck in dilemma about his friendship. What would be the pros and cons. Although he did this friendship but he was still afraid what if Abhi also left him. His mind was suggesting him to just be away from Abhi and don't get too attached that it hurts him later. But his heart wasn't ready. He also wished for people in his life and he wanted to embrace Abhi wholeheartedly. A battle was going on between his heart and mind inside him.

To be continued

Stay tuned for next chapter

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