Chapter 34; Today We Fight

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Return of the King; Disc 2 and my Imagination

Dedicated to AlessandraShurtugal for being obsessed with my story. Thanks.

Chapter 34; Today We Fight

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Aaron sat. She stood. She paced. She sat. And she frowned.

How many confusing thoughts could be going through her mind to have her this disoriented? A lot.

She'd met her father? And her sister? Where was her mother? Why'd they give her up? Why is everything so confusing? Why doesn't anyone have answers? Where's an Orc when you need a punching bag? Why does the sun rise in the morning, float during the day, and sink at night?

She grumbled a curse and with a quickening breath and shot into the air on the wings of her hawk. The rising sun glared at her, saying she'd been awake much too long. But Aaron could care less at the moment. The stiffness in her bones was gone, and her mind was reeling. She'd hidden herself from everyone when she'd left Aragorn. When leaving the armory she'd thought herself calm and collected, but when she woke from her thoughts she found herself gliding around Minas Tirith and landed on an outcropping high in the mountains overshadowing the great fortress.

She had survived battle after battle, wound after wound, but now having a piece of truth; she broke. The dam of thoughts she thought had been gone since she came to realize the Elves and Aragorn were her family, was cracking and threatening to break a path of destruction. She had to get away: had to find somewhere where no one could touch her.

But could she leave? Aragorn was a bit helpless without her. And who would keep Legolas and Gimli in line? Or get into trouble with Merry and Pippin? Who would help save Frodo? Who would free Sara from a life of taunting and mockery?

"No!" She shouted as she shifted and collapsed to the ground. She banged her fists against the hard ground shaking the earth and angering the mountain. And she cared.

She cared that she caused pain. That if she left Sara to her cities' torture, she'd be no better than an Orc pillaging a town.

That's where she froze.

She'd never known the harshness of a tongue. She'd never felt rejected. How did Sara feel? How did she still live there? What held her from running away?

Aaron stood. She bit her lip. She patched the dam. She shifted. And she flew to where a cohort of Gondorians and Rohirrim marched from the gate of Gondor. Aragorn led the pack, and an untacked Lore paced beside him.


She matched her strokes with Lore paced and with one last push of her wings she shifted and landed nearly perfectly on the black stallion's back. Lore tossed his head with a snort.

"Glad to see you too." She muttered back. Aragorn turned a little less than shocked gaze to her.

"Didn't think you'd come. Where have you been?"

"Everywhere and nowhere." She answered. Smirking when he frowned. "I had to think things over."

He nodded. "If we get out of this, we'll talk, alright?"

"When, big brother. When we get out of this. And yes. We will talk. Short and sweetly. And then we'll go get Sara and be back in time for your crowning and all that what not."

Aragorn just shook his head and released a long breath. "What am I going to do with you?"

"Hopefully not too much." Aragorn gave a 'Ha...' in response and urged Brego ahead.

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