Chapter 29; We Fight

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The Return of the King; Disc 1

Chapter 29; We Fight

~~~~~~~~~> ~~~~~~~~~> ~~~~~~~~~> ~~~~~~~~~> ~~~~~~~~~> ~~~~~~~~~>

Aaron stood on the side of a high hill. She was facing a rock wall that slid up into the sky. She could hear explosions behind her, but unlike most dreams she couldn't turn around. She was stuck looking at this wall. What was the point of having dreams of what was happening, if they gliztched up and made her stare at a wall?

There was nothing important about this rock wall. It was a rock wall. Nothing was ever great about one. There were never any hidden doors, or secret passages in them. They were just boring.

Aaron wished to pinch herself and wake up, but she found that turning around wasn't the only thing she couldn't do; she couldn't move anything, that is, except her eyes.

She rolled them and growled. What was she doing here?

Smoke started to rise from an unseen opening in the cliff. Her eyes watched it rise up. Maybe there was a hidden door in this boring wall, after all.

She was right.

For out came the three, she least expected to see: Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli.

Her heart leapt for joy, and she wanted to call out to them. But like all dreams, she had no voice. She simply had to listen and watch.

Aragorn made a sudden stop, and for a split second Aaron wondered if he could see her. But his eyes filled with saddness and he fell to his knees. He was looking beyond her, at what she could not see.

Legolas walked forward and placed a hand on Aragorn's shoulder. Aaron felt useless. She couldn't comfort her brother--although she had no idea what the problem was.

Why was he acting this way?

A strange feeling swept over Aaron. A feeling of coldness and death. A feeling that she was at her end. She felt her blood run cold and it felt as if frost clung to her bones. She shivered and wished she could wrap her cloak about her.

Aragorn stood up and the four all stared at the rock wall. Aaron wished to take a step back, if anything, she wished she could pinch herself now. She wished to wake up and be rid of this dream.

Where the rock wall was grey with tuffs of brown, dying grass poking out here and there, there was a green mist forming. It looked to be taking the shape of a man.

A man with flesh that was torn and bones that could be seen. His nose was missing the point of it, and his eyes were swirls of white cloud.

He had a whispy beard that flowed to the middle of his armored covered chest. A red cape drapped over his shoulders but never touched the ground. Atop his head was a crown, but it seemed to have been placed into a helm of sorts.

And all but his cloak was green.

And Aaron could see all the way through him.

He stopped before Aragorn, and after a short silent pause he spoke.

His voice was rasphy, and very much dead. It shook Aaron to the bone when his words rang out. Was this man dead for real?

"We fight." Was all he said.

And Aaron woke up.

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