Chapter 33; Heritage

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Return of the King; My imagination

Chapter 33; Heritage

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"Think about it," Aaron tried to reason with Legolas as he "accused" her of never taking things seriously. "We have a whole Elven and Dwarven language and somehow we name a mountain Mount Doom. Who did that anyways?"

Legolas shrugged and sat down beside her on the pier overlooking Gondor. He seemed somber, like really, really somber and he's an Elf: no emotions.

"What's with you?" She asked, she fingered the necklace mindlessly; enjoying the cool metal against her skin. He shrugged again.

"Wow, I've silenced the Elf." She sat up and peered curiously at him. "Has something happened while I was away?"

"Something like that." He affirmed.

"Did you fall in love?" Legolas practically flew from his seat.

"What?! No, no, no. Nothing of the sort." Aaron smiled as he switched from the common tongue to Elvish and back again, but allowed it to drop.

"Then what's going on?"

"I'm not the one to ask, nor the one needing to tell you." Aaron frowned.

"Who then?" But she felt she already knew who.

"You know who." Aaron nodded. He'd been ignoring her since the meeting yesterday. So she'd finally come to Legolas, or more like he came to her.

"I think he's ignoring me."

"Aragorn, ignore you?" Legolas sounded somewhat insulted even though it wasn't him they were talking about. Aaron barely controlled her laughter as she tried not to snort at him.

"Okay then, explain his behavior." She still looked ready to pop with bubbles of laughter, but she managed to raise a brow.

"I already said, you need to talk to him." Aaron huffed and crossed her arms.


>>>~~~~~~> <~~~~~~<<<

The Wolf of Darkness dashed between shadows as she ran through the halls of Minas Tirith. Aragorn's scent seemed to be everywhere, mixed with many others. But he was easy to pinpoint. He still smelled like the woods after a fresh rain and blood-that didn't smell so good.

Oh, brother, where are you? She huffed and puffed as she wandered into the throne room. Gandalf stood in the corner staring at a statue of the latest king. Aaron pulled to a stop beside him and nudged his hand with her snout.

"Oh, hi, Aaron." He scratched between her ears and she practically purred. "Just thinking," he mused.

She lapped at the air, but was too comfortable to shift and ask Gandalf for any whereabouts on her brother. He seemed to already know her quest.

"He just left toward the armory. I have faith you know where that is?" She nodded and barked her thanks before heading out. "You're welcome," she heard him call with a chuckle.

It didn't take long. She'd found the armory during her own mini tour of the place. Unlike the rest of the castle, it wasn't covered in white cobblestone or marble, but of rustic stone lined in limestone. For how nice the palace and square were, the armory didn't really touch it in beauty. No wonder they weren't prepared for a battle, they don't have the support for it. Idiots.

Aragorn sat running a whetting stone over a long sword Aaron recognized, but not in one piece. She distinctly remembered it being in many parts and the last time she'd seen it, Boromir had dropped the hilt to the ground and didn't pick it up. She shook her head; ridding herself of any thoughts of the man.

She shifted as she came to sit beside him. He gave her a short glance before continuing to sharpen his sword. For a time she just watched. She enjoyed just being in his company. When they went on hunts, for the most part they just sat together and listened to the night; never talking. They shared a link that made life simple for one another, even if most of the time they were enjoying annoying the other person rather than appease.

"You're avoiding me," she finally said, breaking the stretching silence.

"It isn't intentional." He answered, but the way he didn't look at her made her think otherwise.

"Can you prove that?" Silence. "What is going on? Legolas won't answer any of my questions, I didn't try bugging Gimli-the old Dwarf. And I'm guessing Gandalf would just riddle it up for me-if he does know that is."

"He does." Aaron groaned and pulled at her dark strands, causing the braid to knot up.

"So, is it only me who doesn't know what's got everyone so somber?"

"No, the Hobbits haven't been very inquisitive," was his response.

"Aragorn so help me, what is wrong with you all?"

He sighed and lowering the sword turned toward her. The look he regarded her with nearly made her want to regret her words. But she was a stubborn dog; no backing down.

"Might as well tell you sometime," he muttered and his gaze turned from harsh to-sadness?

"Tell me what?" She encouraged when he just stared at her.

"I found your parents."


Aaron practically flew from her seat.

She had met her father without even knowing. Had he known?

She had a sister? And it was Sara?

Aragorn just watched her as she paced about, soaking in the information. She looked in pain, and even though he wished to help her, he knew she needed to be left to figure it out herself. Aaron was also one to be dependent-except for when it came to wounds, then she'd just forget about them and most likely die if it wasn't for him.

She sat down for a moment, then was on her feet again the next.

"How? I-I don't understand." She groaned and tried to sit down again. Aragorn grabbed her shoulders before she could get up. So much for letting her figure it out by herself.

"Aaron, there are many forces in this world we will never understand. How you came to be a Skin-Changer from an Elf and Man will remain a mystery. But..." He paused. What do you say to a confused Skin-Changer, when he was barely able to understand this news himself.

"Will Sara be brought here?" She felt composed now. She controlled herself for him, and everyone around them. The next worst thing to a mad dog was a mad and confused dog.

"Most likely, but it's not like we can pluck her from her family." Aaron nodded.

"I need to think," Aragorn smiled lightly, before patting her back. She stood and walked to the door before stopping. "Once you're king, can we fix up the armory?" She looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

He chuckled at her request. "Yes, Aaron, we can fix up the armory."

With that she left.

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Yay, update.

Happy Easter!!!

Look, I actually updated on a "holiday!" Yeah, so nice of me.

Okay, so there's like three to four more chapters left (adding Epilogue) and then I'm going to write a Prologue. Maybe. Should I?

This chapter feels sooooo boring. Did it to you? No action, too much drama, I skipped to whole revealing. Yeah, once this is finished I'll edit everything and maybe add some more. :) haha....look at me trying to make a update life.

Okay, well,

Night y'all!!!!

P.S. If there is a picture of Glenstorm, I have no idea why. I'm on my IPad and haven't been able to update the app, so I can't get rid of the picture. Just ignore it please. I'll delete it on my computer later. Thanks, :)

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