Chapter 27; Parents and To War

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The Return of the King; My Imagination

Dedication to CaseyOniel for finding the chapter interesting.

Chapter 27; Parents and To War
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        Aragorn wasn't really sure what to do now that Aaron was gone. He walked around Edoras but still found nothing to do. Legolas and Gimli were always somewhere else, doing something, he never really knew. He now understood how much his life had revolved around Aaron. It was almost as if his whole world was her. She was always at his side, no matter what creature. He couldn't place a finger on a time she had been somewhere where he wasn't, and now she was. He hoped the beacons lit soon and that Rohan would answer. Well, either way he was going. He was going to save the city he'd been running from, not really running from, but he didn't, hadn't, wanted to crown. Now his thoughts were a jumbled mess on the subject. He wasn't sure what he wanted anymore. Did he want to stay a Ranger from the north? Or become a man with a lot of weight on his shoulders? He knew Aaron decision, she would always be a Ranger, it was one way she was free to be herself. Sure she would respect his decision, she always had, but something made him think that she might not in the same way. Of course he, himself, wasn't really sure of his decision. Or was he?

        I really need to stop thinking before I confuse myself.

        He stood up from his seat in the Great Hall and looked at the few people in the room. Éowyn sat a few tables down the way, with her back to him, sewing up a brown dress of her's. Every now and then he had felt her stares, being a Ranger you always know when you are being watched. She had defiantly been staring a hole in the back of his head, but he didn't wonder why. Ha, everyone knows the reason.

        Being without Aaron made him bored and he needs someone to talk to. Not knowing where Legolas, Gimli, or Éomer was at that moment he walked toward her but stopped. A thought he hadn't thought about before made him stop and sit back down.

        'The daughter of an Elf and horse rider.' Played through his mind. 'Daughter of an Elf and horse rider.' An Elf who fell in love with a mortal, and together they brought Aaron into the world.

        Seems like Rohan would remember a couple who had a child like that.

        He stood and started walking forward again. Éowyn seemed like a good person to ask, so he went--once again--toward her. She still sat with her back to him, but he knew, she knew, he was coming.

        Taking a seat across from her, he started: "Would you remember any births of children born in Rohan?" She gave him a quick glance before finishing up her last stitch, giving him "all" of her attention.

        "Maybe not all, I'm not that old." She answers slowly as if she is trying to understand the true meaning of his question.

        "What about children that are not born with both parents being from Rohan?"

        "You mean like one of their parents is from a different city?" He gave a chuckle through his breath and placed his hands on the table clasping the fingers together. He stared at them as he said what came next:

        "I mean from a different race?" He looked up to her. She was showing shock in her eyes and the way her mouth was open just a little ways, showed it too. Then everything went from shock to remembrance in less than it takes you or I to blink.

        "There have only been so many." She answered coming over the shock of being asked this question. "We've had Dwarves and Elves...never any Hobbits..." She trailed off as Aragorn seemed more interested when she said 'Elves'. "May I ask, why you ask?"

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