Chapter 21; So It Begins

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The Two Towers; Disc 2

Chapter 21; So It Begins

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Aaron stood at the edge of the Wall, looking down at the ground below. She wasn't afraid of heights or anything, actually she was wondering how it would feel, or if she would survive, jumping off the Wall. She was still considering this five minutes later when Aragorn walked up behind her. Elves started to file onto the Wall, waiting for the fight that could end half of the race of Men. Rohan soldiers, farmers, and young boys stood everywhere. Some with swords, others with bows, some even held rocks and sticks. Théoden stood atop a tower from the outside of the court yard. Gamling stood at his side.

"Afraid the ground is the enemy?" Aragorn joked.

"No." She whispered, then looked up at him. "No. I was think about how soft the ground looks and if it wouldn't kill me if I jumped."

"I sure hope you don't jump. But then again I would have one less person to take care of." Aaron punched his shoulder for that. His hand went to it. "That one actually hurt."

"Good, you deserved it for all the other remarks you've given me." Aaron looked over at the horizon. She could see torches slowly approaching, not much at first but soon it became all she could see.

"Legolas and Gimli are over there." He said pointing in the Dwarf and Elf's direction. "Why don't you stand with them."

"Sure, where are you standing?" She asked as she turned, about to walked away.

"Where ever I walk to and stand." He answered smiling

"Your helpful." Aaron muttered. She walked away from him and stood beside Legolas. He gave his head a nod to her and then turned his attention back to the oncoming Uruks. Everyone seemed to be holding their breath. It was dead quiet. Until the Uruks got close enough to be able to hear their marching strides. Still, everyone was silent in the Keep. Well, almost, Gimli didn't seem to be happy with where Legolas had decided to stand.

"You could have picked a better spot." He said. Legolas smirked and Aaron gave a chuckle.

"You don't have to stand with us, you know." She said looking down at him, past Legolas.

"No, I don't. But where else would I stand?" Aaron gave a nod at this and looked back at the oncoming army. Aragorn walked through the Elves over to them. "Well, lad, whatever luck you live by let's hope it last the night." Lightning lit up the sky, making Aaron's electric blue eyes lit up even brighter than they already were.

"Your friends are with you, Aragorn." Legolas said.

"Let's hope they last the night." Aaron chuckled again as Aragorn walked away. Rain slowly started to fall down upon them. Then it became a pour down. Aaron's dry self went drenched in a matter of seconds. She was glad she had decided not to wear armor, and pitted those with it. She never wore armor, even when she was training. She was more agile and smoother without it. Aragorn was about the same, just maybe not as smooth. The Elvish cloak on her back stayed dry, keeping her a bit warm in the cold rain. Gimli was the only other one who had his cloak on. Legolas had Elvish armor on, much different from the Elves around them. Gimli looked himself. Aragorn wasn't much different, except for the chain mail.

The Uruks stopped not two hundred feet away. They started to yell and hit their spears against the ground. Soon, they started to bang their armored arms against their chests. It was loud and Aaron could see it scared the Rohan soldiers. The Elves were unfazed by this. Aaron felt a shiver go up her spine but that was it. Her fear was more for those around her, not herself. She was practically fearless, she didn't know death, but somewhere it knew her. Somewhere it was waiting for her to fail, but somehow she knew that is wasn't going to tonight. Aaron pulled her bow from her back as did all the other Elves.

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