Chapter 4; Bree

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(Has been updated to the best of my abilities)!

The Fellowship of the Ring; Disc 1

Chapter 4; Bree

Aaron's eyes opened to the morning sun shinning on her face, yelling at her to get up and start the day. She almost wasn't regretting going to Bree after last night she wouldn't mind leaving for a few days. She didn't want to have another party like that again. If it meant ending her birthdays, so be it. Yesterday had been fun and exciting, but too much for her to leave the next day without feeling like a drunk Dwarf. Her door opened and Aragorn strode in, without knocking; which was normal for him.

"Good-morning." Aaron said rubbing her eyes and slowly sitting up.

"Good-morning." Aragorn narrowed his eyes at her with a considering frown. Oh, no. What was he considering? "Um...there's been a change of plans." Great, Aaron stopped herself from groaning, I don't know the details just yet. We could just be- "We're not taking Lore with us."

Aaron's mouth dropped open and she did groan. "This is going to be worse than I thought." Although she tried to be calm and collected, really she was ready to fly off the edge of the map with how much her days continued to change. It was head-aching really.

"I'm not happy about it either, but just be glad it's only on the way there and back without killing anyone. You know how he is."

"Yeah. Well, let's just get this over with." Aaron climbed out of bed, her limbs protesting, but she straightened them out with a few stretches she walked to the dresser. Aragorn walked out and shut the door. Aaron changed back into her hunting clothes. A loose top that looked like it was made of leaves and wouldn't constrict while she shifted. Underneath that she wore brown pants. He boots came up to her knees, hugging her calves. She pulled her hair into a braid and made sure her necklace was out on top of her shirt. She attacked the sword to her waist and placed her quiver and bow on her back. She gave the cats a goodbye pat and walked out of the room, feeling a bit on automatic-whatever that was.

Aragorn was waiting in the court yard, a saddle, bridle and sack laying at his feet. She glared at them, but said nothing as she came to stand before him.

"You ready?" He asked.

Nope. "Yeah."

"Your going to have to take your weapons off, Aaron." He pointed to her sword. She always seemed to forget. They were a huge part of her, and to have to take them off to shift was hazardous. She needed to work on that. She'd taught herself how to shift with her clothes still intact, but her weapons weren't as flimsy, and less replaceable.

"Oh, yeah." She gritted out and shrugged off her quiver off, undid the belt, and handed them to Aragorn. Then she got on her knees and grew to the height of a more than average size horse. Her skin and clothes turned to a black and silver flecked coat and her eyes went golden brown. She looked back at Aragorn gave a neigh and trotted in place.

"Even as a horse you're impatient." She snorted and nearly stepped on him as He began tacking her up and then jumped up onto her back. Aaron didn't notice much, she'd done this a few times, not that she enjoyed it, but when it meant going somewhere, she could care less. She waited for Aragorn to get comfortable and to give her the sign to go. He squeezed with his thighs and Aaron trotted out of Rivendell, immediately regretting ever thinking that'd she'd get to stay.

When they reached the edge of the forest, Aragorn leaned close to her neck and Aaron broke into a gallop. She loved this; freedom. She was free even with Aragorn on her back. He would let her be free with her gaits as long as they made it to Bree. From Rivendell, Bree was an eight day walk. Riding on a regular horse, four to five days. On Aaron, at the most three. She was as strong as an ox and could go on for days without food. Water was all she needed, but Aragorn always brought apples.

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